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Sigh Parx

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  1. Thanks for the reply guys, I will look into that. EDIT: Upon writing a reply on the other forum post, I had to get some examples from the script and it ran find today. It hasn't ran fine for about a month and today, with no changes, it decides to start working again.
  2. I have this script which connects to a PHP script which then connects to a data base. the script looks as such toWebPage(string params) { params += "&FromSL=true"; string tst = ""; if(DEBUG) { tst = "/tst"; } llDebugSay("HTTP REQUEST: " + URL + PRODUCTNAME + tst+"/"+controller+".php"); llDebugSay("HTTP REQUEST: " + params); myRequest = llHTTPRequest(URL + PRODUCTNAME + tst + "/"+controller+".php", [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], params); } The method runs perfect as I have been using it for weeks, however, in the last couple of days it has just stopped working. The code is the same on both LSL and PHP. If I run the PHP script from a browser passing in the same params it works perfectly. If I get SL to send the info to the PHP script I get this returned <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Internal Server Error</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>Internal Server Error - Read</H1> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.<P> Reference&#32;&#35;3&#46;9d55ee3f&#46;1515566038&#46;54729c </BODY></HTML> I don't even know where to begin with debugging this because it works server side, just not SL side and they are using the exact same params and url????
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