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Trin Trevellion

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  1. Unfortunately, there are a plenty of reasons what may cause this. To make a guess, maybe your Domain Name System is borked. To spare technical details and make it easy, you could try http://www.clearclouddns.com. Just use the setup tool they offer. Otherwise, provide more technical details about your system, network and what else you can think of. Good luck!
  2. Heartrending first comment! I mean, look at this cuddly poor avi
  3. Dave Bellman, Animazoo, is the Godfather of animation in Second Life
  4. Unencumbered viewer code Linden Lab maintains the source code for its viewer as an unencumbered asset (through the mechanism of contribution agreements). This allows it to maintain the value of the codebase in the event of a sale, but brings with it some rather obvious problems... more > http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/2010/11/06/unencumbered-viewer-code/
  5. Figured this Lance thing out, thanks to Keli's link. Overlooked it. Maybe they fired the guys who worked on that as it is not a huge help, we have Torley and a bunch of forum geeks to argue it all out for free lol. ;P *LOL* seems like common practice now. Like Windlight.. I really wonder what this guys did all the time after never really finishing it. Maybe their responsibility became to bake cake. Somebody told me, they have a waffles-day at LL. But I guess that's no more. Hey, wanna know how to tell if Torley has left the building? His final tutorial vid will lack a couple of minutes... ha ha (oh my, he hates me now). See, I'm just disenchanted, so I don't care too much. Especially since this webfront marketing is telling me "ESCAPE to the largest virtual world community (you stupid weirdo with no real life) and go shopping right now". Seriously, who made this up? Off topic sorry. Actually I was about to say that's would be nice to have a viewer gateway as part of this community. Like users can vote for cool and bad features and what's their favorite client. Developer could earn some linden love, and by that I mean cash for popular features. I don't think that LL is realizing how much money they save by TPVs (own support portals, bug trackers, source code, w/e). But I think that LL doesn't like the idea to give TPVs more public attention. Actually not even this community is part of the login screen anymore, or anything else at all. I think... no wait. That's also off topic.
  6. Here's what you do to find the right setting: take your webbrowser, go to http://www.speedtest.net slide the little rectangle on the world map over california select a server in San Francisco ... That's actually very helpful advice, thanks Lance. I just wonder if this apply for SL. I just tried as you said and my bandwidth to California is worse. Somewhat about 3-5Mb/s. I did this 10Mb/s thing anyway and figured that's working very well. No performance decrease, no packet loss, steady FPS and surprisingly even more bandwidth as expected (up to 8Mb/s). Well, of course! Most SL content is hosted somewhere else by Amazon S3 and some LL facilities on Mars. Em I wrong? On second thought, why should a limit apply for SL anyway, if it's not an issue with server side bandwidth anymore? Isn't it? I mean, none of my other web applications need speed limits either but what's with all this "STICK AT 500kb/s" talk in earlier days??
  7. Sure, advanced uses need advanced features, but we don't have to make everyone confront all of the complexity. Talking about preferences, I would prefer a check mark like 'show expert options', so you can keep functionality where it belongs and everybody knows to mess with it at own risk. Also a good way to show some experimental stuff to technically versed residents. Just make the difference clear by coloration or w/e. What I can tell from TPVs is, that whatever a dirty mess of options it may be, some alternative features become famous by word of mouth anyway, as soon as it's easy to trigger. Certainly I would add the ability to reset all preferences to default (after crash). Anyway, from a creators point of view I prefer to have the same experience like the majority of residents. So I really hope you guys will fix the UI first, like floating windows and stuff. In a short term I would be happy to see more contrast/coloring. Especially for the building panel. It's tiring to handle it with all this gray in gray. Well, keep up the good work. I'm curious what may come up.
  8. Space Lexington wrote: Das würde bedeuten, dass ich alles was ich je in der Library habe auf immer im Account mitschleppen muss. Hi, Die Library ist eigentlich nur sowas wie ein gemeinsames Laufwerk das sich alle Second Life Benutzer teilen und die Inhalte werden von Linden Lab frei zur Verfügung gestellt. Also es belastet deinen Account schonmal nicht. Allerdings gibts einen Trick sie auszublenden, wie erst vor kurzem in Tips & Tricks beschrieben unter: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/tnt/blog/2010/06/17/quicktip-hide-the-library-in-your-inventory (Klappt möglicherweise erst ab Viewer 2.1, der schon bald veröffentlicht wird). Falls du mit dem englischen Text Probleme hast, gerne nochmal auf deutsch dann. Nachtrag: Also nur für den Fall dass du später mal deine Gesinnung änderst: Es macht Sinn, unbrauchbares einfach in einem Prim zu verpacken (Also neuen Prim rezzen und alles reinschmeissen). Auf diese Weise hast du auch später noch Zugriff auf all die Sachen, ohne unter Inventory Problemen zu leiden. Freebies sind oft ein gutes Beispiel um einfache Scripte zu erstellen usw. Vom Volumen her sind 10.000 Items übrigens total unbedinglich. 20.000 ist mein persönliches Limit. 30.000 ist auch harmlos. Viele, besonders Fashionistas, haben sogar mehr als 100.000 im Inv, was ich ein bischen verrückt finde. Nur ums klarzustellen: Items die du aus deinem Inventory löschst, verschwinden nicht vom Asset Server. Du gibst nur die persönlichen Rechte auf. Betrifft auch deine eigenen Items, egal was. Allerdings garantiert LL auch keine Dauerhaftigkeit der Daten, weil die Third Party Server, wo das meiste alles rumliegt, es auch schon nicht gewährleisten.
  9. Have no answer but I would call live chat. They will most likely do a region restart what may solve it.
  10. The Herald is no press. SL press is no press. To make an appeal to real press would be kinda ridiculous, don't you think? Herald is a random example of people who like to write about unpleasing affairs in SL and who are well known for bothering the Lab with it. Now you say 'The Herald is no SL press.'. Okies :-) But make your banner bigger, I still don't get the point.
  11. Starchild Magic wrote: I understand that, and that's exactly why I'm not reporting every single item in the shop, only the items that are easily interpreted as sexual items for children. Was your AR complete? Including a screenshot, the object of abuse and a detailed description? I don't think LL will care much about content what is not obviously illegal or veritably. There is a huge clash of culture here. Some people even think that anime avatars are pedophiliac and so on. I get kicked out from places already for being "only" 5' 9" (175 cm) tall. So, if you suspect this place (mall?) to be an insider tip for pedophiles, talk to the SL press. Like http://alphavilleherald.com. They are kinda out of topics anyway. But it makes me wonder if LL is careless. In our mainstream media, there was already a big drama about such activity in SL. Many people in my country still have a fucked-up opinion about SL because of that.
  12. I agree with Irene. Items TOS/note cards are getting lost very fast. From my personal point of view it's not appropriate to resell any full permission content without the consent of the original creator. There are many examples like the rich contribution of full permission items by Arcadia Asylum, what makes SL a better place and I respect such creator very much. In this case, it's definitely not permitted to resell it. Reseller of freebies make SL worse and btw. the permission system of SL has nothing to do with Intellectual Property Rights. In fact, you need an affirmation that you can legally resell content and not the other way around. Read at least http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos7 (7.8 You agree to respect the Intellectual Property Rights of other users, Linden Lab, and third parties.). ps: yes, I take this very serious
  13. Hm, sowas hatte ich erst neulich aber hier erstmal das offizielle statement: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_DNS_login_issues Das problem hatte ich mit XP/Server 2003 und dynamischen domains. Also nur falls du XP benutzt, hier das *.reg schnipsel um den DNS cache abzuschalten (Aber google es lieber vorher, wenn Du dich nicht mit der Windows Registry auskennst. Merke zumind. keine nachteile und DNS-flush erspare ich mir nun): ***snip - new DNS cache registry parameters *** Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "MaxNegativeCacheTtl"=dword:00000000 "MaxCacheTtl"=dword:00000001 ***snap (als blabla.reg speichern und ausführen. weitere doku via google und anwenden auf eigene gefahr lol*** Es kann aber auch am router/modem-eigenen cache liegen. da hab ich in der LAN-Verbindung direkt die IPs vom ISP eingetragen. Siehe "Eigenschaften von LAN > Internetprotokoll (TCP/IP) > Folgende DNS-Serveradressen verwenden". Also besser gleich die IPs vom ISP eintragen, falls dort dein Router/Gateway steht. Bei mir waren die leicht zu finden bei Google: "meinprovider dns". ps: MaxCacheTtl setzt die vorhaltezeit von DNS einträgen auf eine sekunde.
  14. Hello! Just for more clarity: local chat is channel 0. You can communicate through another channel by typing "/". Why?: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Chat_channel. It's as simple as that. Some creators offer HUDs that do the job for you and some stick with command line instructions.
  15. Hi. Because you have to pay fees if you sell L$ and also 1$ for processing credits back to paypal, within a value of 27000 L$ you will loose circa 5 $. Anyway, use Limit Sell for an exchange rate of nothing more than 259 L$ / US$1.00. It may take a day but than you can use > Linden Exchange > Process Credit to cash out. Good Luck!
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