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Laika Ravikumar

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Laika Ravikumar last won the day on March 24 2019

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  1. Thanks for that I am Premium Plus currently on Stilt house which I do love but will have a look around anyway.
  2. Nalates Urriah for some reason that does not work for me what Rowan said does I tried it out and it worked I just didn’t actually do the post but ty anyway
  3. Rowan Amore thanks so much was making me crazier than usual
  4. Havent posted to forums for a while however I was thinking of doing one recently and find I cant get the code anymore. On flickr I select size with the down arrow and I used to get a code to use now I get this https://gyazo.com/71dd0b1f9373763d6a446a0c4c35f1ec What am I doing wrong if anyone knows thanks
  5. Does anyone know of a hair I can use for that I have one but not really happy with it, thanks for any input
  6. @ cmshotfairy Look at your hud for the head you need to switch between classic to evox https://gyazo.com/c72a54fc1f84699e86f59a1bec5be117
  7. For me am not posting any pics and please don’t message me I can live without your comments. Im not going to get photoshop to me it’s a step beyond my opinion . Some people can’t afford it, I could I could I choose not to. I would rather live with Flickr than the things Orwar said.
  8. @Bagnu wow am so stunned never expected that but ty
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