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Cynianne Hellershanks

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  1. I've been in SL since before you all decided to allow children in, and have both age and payment verification on file. Yesterday, I was trying to shop Marketplace, and only General and Moderate were available to me. So I relogged. Nope. So I went to the how to fix this and did that, and my preferences are set to gen, mod and adult, and I can still travel to all lands. My alts can all access adult content on Marketplace. I'm more than a bit frustrated, because I run a business and cannot access my own content, and cannot make adult purchases on Marketplace. I made sure I had the latest version of SL on board. Still can't access Marketplace Adult. Which is strange because I live on Adult land and NEVER visit General land. Help1
  2. Well said, Ravena. All true and heartfelt.
  3. "In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. What? Wasn't this always part of the plan? Are you insane? This is my privacy I pay you for! I keep SL in SL. Period. No other options. Do you know what Facebook has done to peoples' lives? You have a wealth of intelligent, educated, articulate adults in this platform who can help you. But if you out us to our bosses IRL? We are not children. Your market is not 18 - 25 males. And now I will have to enable cookies to see profiles? Again, are you insane? Don't you realize this is our major social contact info? Oh you do and you choose to exploit that with data mining? Lovely.
  4. Laneybug expresses the frustration of a lot of small creators of quality merchandice here. The Former Regime focused on big merchants and giant real estate conglomerates and pretty much told us small potatoes to just give up and stick to our day jobs, leave the content creation and sales to the Big Fish. They also went out of their way to keep the Big Fish informed, catered to their whims, helped them promote their businesses, price fix, etc. It's true. We had a party when M Linden left, even made him a nice grave in our cemetery complete with a personal thunderstorm over it, and set off fireworks when Pink and Blue left. They were clueless to their market and had no idea what customer retention was. The exodus has not slowed, I say goodbye to business owning friend and land owning friends every day who are moving to different grids. But I think Rodvik and his team are being responsive so far considering they have been here working for what, 2 weeks now? In this and other recent blog posts they have proven they are at least listening and not just tossing corporate spin mumbojumbo back at us. Perhaps this New Regime gets it that we are not "just" gamers, we are intelligent, articulate, educated adults who pay their bills.
  5. YAY! Rodvik is reading us! Yay!!!!!
  6. Applause to all the idiots who managed to turn this into, quoting someoen ehre, an adolescent food fight. Great quote. However, what you did manage to reveal is that SL is a culture, not your own personal little world where you get to be One Of The Gods. I am sure Rodvik has been briefed about the Zindra Forced March and it's financial repercussion on the grid for LLR. I am sure he understands that the very loud people who wish to inflict their terribly Wonder Bread view of how all of us should live in SL and RL feel. This was originally an adult platform where no one burst into literal flames if their eyes happened upon any pixel body parts or acts with out the ability to shut the thing off by tp ing out or turning the computer off all together. No one was harmed until the squeeky wheel was greased and the disneyfication began. Since then there has been major harm. Rodvik is a gamer and a business man. This is the best shot this company has had in a long time. Yes we are p..., uh, angry at what has happened in the last couple years, but please let's everyone take a big deep breath and let the man learn how to build a decent house instead of a ridiculously primmy log cabin (sorry Rod) and find his way around and meet people in his alt. This is a positive step. Welcome again, Rod, and please come visit our vampire/lycan/multi species mature sim where everyone is into BDSM in the privace of their own homes and silly as he..., silly as all get out in public. Cyn
  7. It is refreshing that you post this, Amanda. However, I am not sure how this "new" guideline is different, all these options have always been available to us. And the FB and Twitter thing? The Former Regime tried to force this down our throats, too. No. Just no. I don't, I am not going to, and I in no way want my SL account attached to anything that deals with my RL. What I would like to know is does anyone read these forums at LLR after the obligatory first day or so? It takes a while for the non forum types to find out about what goes on here and respond. This has always been an outworld voice. Is it being heard? So far I am please with the New Regime and it's few weeks worth of stuff, except the assumption that we would accept the outing of our avatars on the internet via profile pages, FB And Twitter. Bad bad idea. I will look forward to having the inworld reason and experience be listened to as customers viewed in a different fashion than we have been.
  8. So does this mean I need to dump my long term avatar and all her considerable non transferable assets including a business, lands and inventory to be assured my anonymity be preserved as was guaranteed when I joined SL? I do not choose to have a Twitter account because I do not choose to hear every random thought of every random airhead wishes to follow me, nor do I wish to have to reject all of the ridiculously long list of those wishing to "follow" me, including several rl stalkers. I am considering leaving FB altogether given the increasing security issues, and my lack of guaranteed anonymity and privacy for my personal information, though I do have it set as private as I can get it and jump through hoops every time they "update" ie wipe out my privacy needs. LL, really, bad road to go down. SL is not a social network we want our rl bosses tracking us through.
  9. Thank you Mike. Well said. I have no desire to have my SL life interfering with my real one. My boss, My friends and My Mother have no need to know what my avatar does and seeing this may try to find out. This is insanity. Many of us depend on LLR for the security of our personal information and now we cannot depend on that. FB is known for it's horrible security leaks. I am seriously considering leaving it entirely because of the hoops they make me jump through to protect myself from their marketing campaigns. We are not stupid, we know why they/you do this. LLR does not have my permission to mix my rl personal information with that of any of my avatars. I trusted you all and have been very careful while here to protect my personal information. Rodvik, are you reading this?
  10. Wow, Q, I just went to your public access link and clicked FB Like so I could comment there, and guess what? I can't. My comment was going to be Did you see there are only 6 Likes? One is mine and I wanted to leave my dislike comments. Get a clue here, those who want FB already have an avatar account there, and don't need you forcing us to jump through hoops to keep our RL bosses from finding out we like BDSM or are a gamer at all. Are you people insane?
  11. Here is a prime example of why I will not use your V2s. I came here for anonimity. It was promised. I do not want FB linked to me in any way because of my RL business, friends and family. Bishop Placebo has a very nice HUD that allows out posting to these accounts IF YOU WISH without having and using your avatar's FB and Twitter, MySpace whatever without having to go correct all the security leaks to your personal information. That said, the V2 I version I have is difficult to use. Fix that. The noobs are struggling and there is almost no one that can help them learn how to do what they want to do in SL because so many of us have jumped onto the 3rd party viewers for ease of use. And when you force the 3rd party viewers into your V2 concept, keep in mind that you will be making it harder for the customer base you already have kept because of their contribution. Customer - like Rodvik has the courtesy to call us.
  12. Welcome, Rodvik! I am also thrilled to see a Linden get out and learn. The big challenge for you is Customer Retention. There has been a huge amount of time and money wasted on expanding into different markets with complete disregard for the customer base already in existance. Land pricing is ridiculous, abandoned land is everywhere, and people having to close because they cannot afford to compete with the glut in the land market created by LLR. The Linden geeks know less about the experience than the residents, a lot of whom are very experienced geeks LLR could not afford to hire. Suggestions and solutions to common issues are offered and either ignored or handed over to some intern to bork. The outsourcing of customer service was a huge mistake. I am so glad to see a gamer take over. SL is an amazing place and we want to keep it!
  13. My avatar closely resembles me - 15 years ago. Only the haircolor changes more frequently. And yes, there are companies that will take your rl photo and make it an avatar, but I wouldn't. Cyn
  14. At 15 replies they probably do have SOMEONE reading it. And well said Bigger, I agree on all points. Can the Linden snowball fight land be set to damage please?
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