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Cheshyr Pontchartrain

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  1. It is a warped society that demands transparency in government, their voice to be heard, and anonymity at the same time. Your opinion does not count if you cannot be counted. That aside, the removal of names means I can't help customers who clearly need assistance. More than a few think that posting a bad review (or any review) will get answers to questions.
  2. So for now it's business as usual when withdrawing money? Payments will still come to my PayPal account, rather than a check or electronic deposit by Tilia?
  3. Gallifrey, the home of Novatech, is up for sale. Currently houses a mall with Novatech, Hands of Omega, New London Systems and several other stores. The mall can be left intact, or cleared as desired. Asking $1600 including the $600 transfer fee. Tier date is November 23.
  4. This is incorrect, Grumpity. You take closer to 3.5% from all transactions, as shown in all my recent sales. For example, I sold L$29,412 and Linden Lab took $4.09 in fees, plus another 2.5% to transfer that money to PayPal. With the new changes, it amounts to 8.5% overhead for every inworld sale, and up to 13% for the Marketplace. I can't stay in business that way.
  5. Am I missing something, or is there no way to see if an Experience works on the land without asking the user for permissions, and waiting to see if it fails? This is a huge oversight, especially for transporters that need the user to remain in the touch() event until permissions are confirmed. Before you ask, the function llAgentInExperience() does not solve this problem. It's broken badly, as it returns FALSE if the user hasn't granted permissions. The whole point is to see if the LAND has granted permissions, before we waste time bothering a customer. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-10195 and https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6912 regarding this issue.
  6. I filed a support ticket last week, and was told they aren't available. No other information was provided.
  7. Dayna Bedrosian wrote: Most people are not on one grid, but spread out. Not only that, but the Hypergrid a person is not limited to one grid. That's why when you look at a number on a grid it seems like a waste land. Amusing, but blatantly untrue. If "most people" were on multiple grids, the population of Kitely, Inworldz, etc. would be more than ~1000 active users and 30 online at any given time. Third-party grids are irrelevant to this discussion.
  8. I believe the title on this article is incorrect, and "Builders" should read "Content Creators". After all, texture artists, programmers, and animators also create content. Builds without those things are plywood prims that do nothing. But regardless of terminology, I would not wish to be singled out as a "builder." I'd rather see private islands and mainland sims on the same tier. If anything, Linden Lab could make money by setting up estate tools as an additional, paid service usable by mainland tenants if they own enough land. I wouldn't get your hopes up, though. Linden Lab is unlikely to lower prices for any reason. They showed their charitable side a few years back, when they simultaneously increased the cost of homesteads, and removed the educational and non-profit discounts.
  9. I agree that the current tier system is onerous. If I could easily move my shop to a mainland sim, I would do so, just to save $100/month. Alas, that is a difficult prospect, made worse by the chaotic nature of many mainland neighborhoods, and vast tracts of abandoned land checkerboarding most sims. Why, exactly, are "private" sims more expensive than mainland for the same level of service? I don't think estate tools and terrforming are sufficient justification, since neither require any effort by Linden Lab.
  10. Well said, Karen. And not to forget Stephen Donaldson, who published "Lord Foul's Bane" in 1977, and presumably the inspiration for Linden Lab's choice of surname.
  11. Payments are due by the same day of the following week, plus 1 day if there is a holiday in that period. So if you cashed out last Monday, your payment should arrive by tomorrow (since today is a holiday in the US.) LIkewise, any cash-outs over the weekend won't show up until a week from the following Monday.
  12. I had two overdue transactions, and filed a trouble ticket inquiring about them. I received a reply almost immediately, and was informed that my payments were on hold due to the USA PATRIOT Act. I suspect you'll find the same issue, as have many other merchants. Linden Lab is sending out notices via the support system, and being very slow about it. In the meantime, you'll find information here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Patriot-Act-Letter-from-LL/td-p/2435875 Do yourself a favor and only read the first post before skipping to the end of the thread. It's turned into a flame war by misdirected souls. P.S. Exodus, 5 working days from January 9 is January 16, so your payment was only 1 day late when you posted. Still, it doesn't hurt to open a ticket and ask why.
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