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  1. HaHaHaHa... [that is my manic laughter, in case you didn't realise].... your madness is nothing ! I am 6 weeks into SL now, and my goal is a completely new outfit a day, 7 days a week, with a maximum spend of 25 linden + what ever I can scrape together dancing. I spend about and hour a day searching for "Group gifts" "group freebies" "special offers" etc. a day. Another hour or 2 is spent making tattoos and clothes to go with my most precious find of the day to make an outfit. Then another hour to put it all together, add jewelery and panache. I use 4 body shapes and 2 heads, so ears, earrings, vaginas and assholes all fit without editing [once they have been fitted to the 5 shapes obviously] and I look better every day. If not I don't leave the sandbox. Come say hi inworld if you want, I'll show you my madness...
  2. A copypaste from the SL grid status blog might answer your question "[Posted 11:03 AM PDT, 23 August 2016] We are aware that some users are currently being logged out, and all users are currently unable to log in to Second Life. Additionally, please refrain from transacting on the LindeX on in-world as purchases are likely to fail. Some regions are also unavailable at this time, and teleports to other regions may fail currently. We have identified the issue causing this situation and are currently working to resolve it. Please monitor this blog for additional updates"
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