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  1. I considered using run time permissions to just set the scripted camera control to inactive but, what I want to do is allow the camera control to follow the @setrot command until I, the user, click on the camera controls to move the view. I also need the same thing for movement controls. I know this has to be somewhere in the Open Collar leash following stuff. I already have movement controls releasing and passing thru for the move to part following the avatar but, the only way to rotate myself is with this @setrot and I'd like it to have control of movement and camera until I move my arrow keys for movement and/or camera at which time I need @setrot to release control to the user. Then if the user stops input to take back over again.
  2. Does anyone know what to use to disable the forced camera position while using @setrot command ? ... I'd like to be able to move my camera around when using this. Whenever this moves my avatar it always takes control of the camera and locks the camera position to the upper rear of my avatar, so I have no camera control while being rotated … diff = targetPos - myPos; float pointTo=llAtan2(diff.x, diff.y); string rlvcmd = "@setrot:" + (string)pointTo + "=force"; llOwnerSay(rlvcmd); @setcam_unlock=y … @setcam=<n|y> ... @setcam=n … are the camera commands I've seen, but I haven't seen any examples of anyone releasing the camera while being rotated. Is there a parameter for this with @setrot, or a way to use one of these other commands here in conjunction with it ? Anyone have an example segment of script that would help me ?
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