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[WIKI.SECONDLIFE.COM] Help pages upgraded for better performance

Torley Linden


Ohai, I wanted to let you know we just moved the Second Life Wiki — where a variety of "help me learn SL!" pages are stored — to a new server host (Amazon EC2). What does mean for you? The changes are under-the-hood, so while you won't see drastic visual differences, you should notice better performance and reliability. We also upgraded to a newer version of MediaWiki, bringing the security improvements and bug fixes that come with that. All this also means that every time I share a link to a wiki help page in a tip or on the forums, you should be able to get there faster, and browse to subsequent pages quicker — it all adds up.

However, on the geeky side of things, there are a few known issues you may want to be aware of (thanks Rand Linden!). Should you notice any more, please add them to the known issues discussion page so our wiki-inclined Lindens can have a look.

Keep spreading the knowledge!


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I would like to know why the tracking is turned ON. Why is this needed?

Not the usual "tracking" that Apache does. This is a security tracking issue that needs to be fixed if Linden Labs takes out privacy serious. I don't care either way, but the way that I have our browsers set up, it to NOT accept these types of security holes that can be leaked out throughout the net. Spam in Email, Tracking you from one site to the other.. etc...

ADDED COMMENT after checking.. Ok.. it seems that the pages that were throwing those, are done right now. No more warnings popup like on the Main SecondLife website when you log in from the viewer (Manage My Account).



It IS nice to see that Labs has listened to someone about this. It used to be SO SLOW loading on 50M down. No matter what you did, it was slow.


Nice work Torley! As always! Keep up the good work!


This may not be the place for it, but, seems how there are tons of your vids that teach people about SL and the viewer and its tricks, could you do one for NEW Estate owners (We had to read tons of into and still are) to teach them how to do things and what to look for. As the "About the Statistics Bar" Wiki page is sort of outdated..

Also maybe do a video about "Behind the Scenes" with what goes on with the servers and host and how it all works. This I think would be a GREAT idea. As people will get a feel of what they are using and how it works. Sort of like the Vehicle Manual that used to come with NEW vehicles.



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This is not a "technical" issue, so I prefer remember here (not in the Discussion page) that we need a sure but fast and easy system for translate pages from the Knowledge Base into other languages (and perhaps from the "LL Official")

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@Jacob You can ALWAYS let me know about video tutorial requests. In fact, both of those ideas are great ones that came up earlier, but I've been on "standby" with the respective Lindens in those departments to do them, so it's still an open possibility.

@Irene More specifics please, is there an existing example on another site that gets close to what you want to see? Also, as you might already know, there's the "IN OTHER LANGUAGES" machine translation on every wiki page.

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This is a security tracking issue that needs to be fixed if Linden Labs takes out privacy serious.


The US of America have so incredible weak consumer protection laws, that Google Analytics is not illegal over there.


But it is broken anway:



The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

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Obrigado !


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