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1 yr old gaming rig getting low fps


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I have a about 1 yr old gaming rig I built it my self the spec are as follow:

 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         970  @ 3.20GHz (3204.08 MHz)
Memory: 12280 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit  (Build 7600)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0623
OpenGL Version: 4.2.0

if you need anything else please ask


my problem as the name stats im getting low fps dost matter what viewer I try same thing I get from 10 - 5 fps and if I go first person I can hit 15 fps, iv been trying to get it to work I've tried all the solutions that seem relevant to my problem like update drivers, reinstalled  both drivers and viewer's, tweaked graphic card options for when second life runs, iv made my internet bandwidth full so I don't have to worry about it also while looking at my statistics I get a bandwidth from 9 - 25 Kbps,

so I checked to see if it might be my net by trying it on my laptop and that works fine I get 30 fps fine for it being set on ultra and my char loads properly but soon as I load it on my desktop it dosnt also both desktop and laptop connect to the net wirelessly 


from what iv notus my graphics card dosnt get touched by second life it sits arond 5% or less so i dont know what happening it dosnt bother me to use my laptop but its jsut a inconvenicane as i live in dorms and i can only connect 1 thing to the wireless thats eather my laptop or desktop and im unable to connect though ethernet

p.s i hope this is readable XD and thxs for reading i would like to play 2nd life with some friends that play it but playing with less than 10 frams and your char and suroundings not loading is anoying and just makes me want to close the program


@ Echo Hermit

dosnt matter if theres 5 or 6 people connected to it as it works basicly like im the only 1 connected to it sort of like a pre-paid plan so i get full connection speed's witch is roughtly aournd 1.2mbps download with about 20kbps upload maby abit more


@ Nalates Urriah

while im runing secondlife and imvu and firefox and few other things my cpu is hiting arond 25-30%  cpu temps less than 50C and the load on my gpu as to how gpu-Z says is 5% and down even when spining arond  in secondlife, the temp is around 48C as well the memery being used on the gpu is between 480 - 495mb


the graphic setings are arond mid setings on desktop




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One thing you should know is that Second Life doesn't use DirectX, it uses OpenGL because it's a multi-platform application and the viewer code is open-source. Any optimizations you do specifically for DirectX may be ineffective or even harmful for Second Life. Also, have you tried running at any levels other than "Ultra"? Try backing the graphics options down, especially draw distance. Almost everything in SL was made by the residents and it isn't as optimized for performance as what you'd see in commercial software.

However, it DOES sound like you're not running nearly up to the level you could be so keep looking for things. The bandwidth you're pulling sounds very low. It may be so low that it's taking a very long time for everything to load and you're never getting to a point where the world gets completely loaded into your memory, which is normally when things start to run much faster. Check the bandwidth of your laptop as a comparison.

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Another thing to consider is your broadband service itself.  You can have the most wonderful computer with all the bells and whistles, but if you're sharing your broadband service with a ton of other people, your framerate will be likely to fluctuate at peak times too. Grim, but true. :matte-motes-impatient:

Sometimes people in dorms/studen accom. find it nigh on impossible to access SL at all.


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I have a Core2 w/3.5gb ram and GTX560Ti w/Vista 32. I get 45 FPS with the current Release viewer 3.3.4 (264214). That is with HIGH and no Lighting & Shadows or Ambient Occlusion. Anisotorpic and Anti-Aliasing are both off. I use the nVidia settings for Ani and AA. This is in my house with no avatars around.

Texture Compression is OFF. With the 560 card you don't need it. Cards with small amounts of video ram need it.

The more floaters I have open the worse the performance.

Get System Explorer and GPU-Z, both free. You should be able to see what your computer is doing and possibly find the slow down. My GPU in this viewer runs about 20% load.

Check the tempertures. I think around 75C the GPU will start throttling back.

Watch the CPU temp too. In my SL home the CPU (Quad core) is running about 36% load once all the textures are loaded.

You can use Viewer Statistics to see whether the slow down is on your side or the region server. Packet Loss is a killer. Read through Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection to get an idea of which Viewer Stats you can beleive. It also covers how to tell if it is the server side yours or someone in the middle that's dragging things down. Connection problems are unlikely in your case. But, the server info may give a hint.

I have an older tweaking article that may help, if you are not up on all the settings. Graphics Tweaking for Second Life It has lots of links explaining the varous settings with examples. It also gets into the multi-threading settings for SL. It has section heading so you skim for topics.

The SL viewer is sensitive to memory speed. CPU-Z, and other free program, will tell you your memory speed. Ideally you want the fastest memory you motherboard can use.

Hopefully, this will help you find the problem. The i7 and 560 with a 64 bit OS should give you really good performance.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

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