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Project Bento Testing Is Now Live on the Main Grid!

Linden Lab


Since late 2015 we have been testing a

on the Aditi test grid, working with content creators. Today we’re announcing the second wave of Bento skeleton improvements!


This release will be available on Agni, making it available to a much wider audience. However, this is still a limited release, until we’re confident enough that this could be a release candidate and ultimately be part of the release Viewer. Creators, recipients, and anyone wishing to view the new content must be running the latest Bento Project Viewer.

If you encounter Bento avatars and are not using the Bento Project Viewer, you may see some strangely behaving avatar animations and meshes. If you're using a very old (i.e. no longer supported) viewer, encountering Bento content may even cause a crash; updating to the latest Bento Project Viewer will prevent this problem.

We’ve worked very hard these past few months and could not have done it without the help of our community.

and check out the Knowledge Based article to get more information. Thank you and enjoy!

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