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Introduction to Second Life for Educators - a Course in Spanish 2nd Edition

Linden Lab


Afiche MOOC2 for Linden.jpg

Back in April we blogged about the University of San Martin de Porres Perú is offering a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) called "Introduction to Second Life for Educators" that was specifically designed to help Spanish speaking educators leverage Second Life for educational purposes. Since then the course has been improved and updated, and a new session is set to start on September 29th at Second Life Para Docentes.

About the course:

The Virtual Worlds Project of The University of San Martin de Porres from Perú starts this September 29th the second edition of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) entitled "Introduction to Second Life for Educators 2nd. Ed.". The course is free and is designed to train Spanish speaking educators on the use of the virtual world Second Life, and to provide knowledge that allows educators to benefit from its potential, especially in the education field.

 If you or someone you know might benefit from a course like this, you can watch an

(in Spanish) and register at their website. Start Day: Sep 29th

You can also visit the headquarters of the course within the virtual world from our Destination Guide entry.

En español:
El Proyecto en Mundos Virtuales de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres de Perú, inicia este 29 de setiembre la segunda edición del curso en la modalidad MOOC (Curso Masivo Abierto En línea) titulado "Introducción a Second Life para Educadores 2da. Ed.". El curso es gratuito y está diseñado para capacitar a educadores y público en general de habla hispana en el uso del mundo virtual Second Life, a fin de ofrecer conocimiento que permita desempeñarse en este entorno y aprovechar su potencial, especialmente en el ámbito educativo.

 Si tú o alguien que tú conoces pueden beneficiarse de un curso como éste, pueden acceder al

y registrarse en la página web. Inicio: 29 de Set.

Además se puede visitar la sede del curso dentro del mundo virtual desde nuestra Guía de Destinos.




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