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  • Hinweise zum Umgang mit Missbrauch und Belästigung




    What is abuse?

    Abuse is when someone intentionally harassed or distressed. This is a violation of the TOS or the Community Standards  of Second Life dar. abuse is also sometimes referred to as griefing known.

    Fortunately, you have control over many aspects of Second Life, your environment, you control your avatar and all that he experienced. The best way to prevent harassment or abuse is based on your settings to determine how your environment looks like and who can interact with you.

    Important:  If you keep are the victims of harassment or abuse, the peace and lead you through the steps described in this article. Remain calm!

    Report abuse

    Please report any incident of abuse, even if the actual incident that can not be done away with. Select Report Help> abuse to report abuse. Please provide as detailed information as possible. For more information, please report abuse .

    Tip: You can view a person or object for abuse by clicking the right mouse button and select "Report Abuse." This automatically the name of the person or object and the exact location is recorded in the abuse report.

    Dealer fraud and other scams

    Watch out not only against griefing inworld, but also from scams of all kinds for purchases, both inworld and in Second Life Marketplace. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    See also:

    Changing privacy settings

    privacy1.jpgYou can select exactly what others can see about you in Second Life. This way you can reduce unwanted contact and harassment from the outset. To set the Second Life viewer determine your privacy settings:

    1. Select I> settings .
    2. Open the tab Privacy .
    3. Make the desired settings.
    4. Click on OK .

    For more information, visit:

    If the person inworld is near

    Request to stop the first thing the person on their abuse activities.  

    If that did not work, you leave the area. We recommend that you save to a safe area in the favorite bar of your viewer, so you can quickly go there.

    You can also ignore the person.

    1. Click the right mouse button on the avatar and select Ignore . For more information, see IgnoreBy ignoring to voice and text chat, and any visual harm to the avatar and the objects in blocks. If you have enabled in the graphics settings, the simplified representation of Avatar, an ignored avatar is displayed with a gray outline.

    2. Select Report Help> abuse , to report the abuse in question. Make such detailed information as possible. For more information, please report abuse

    If you are physically harassed inworld

    If you are inworld physically harassed by a person or Obkelt, sit down! If you sit most of the physical forces have no effect on your avatar.

    Click the right mouse button on the floor or on a nearby object and select sit here .

    If you are harassed in voice chat

    If someone bothers you in voice chat, turn dumb as follows:

    1. Select Talk> Voice Settings ... to open the window with the voice settings.
    2. Move the cursor to the entry for the person you want to mute.
    3. Click the right mouse button on its name and choose to ignore voice .

    If you are being harassed by an object

    Locate the object using beacons

    beacons1.jpgIf you are a victim of griefing, by an object emits particles, or sounds, proceed as follows:

    1. Select World > View > Beacons .
      window BEACONS opens.
    2. Select below for these objects: Sound sources and particle sources

    Now appearing objects that emit sounds, yellow, and emitting objects, particles, blue. Click on the button ? window BEACONS to get more details.

    Finding invisible objects

    If you see the Beacons, but not the source object, proceed as follows:

    1. Select World> View> Advanced to display the "Advanced" view.
    2. Choose Advanced> highlight and emphasize visibility> Clear or press Ctrl-Alt-T .

    Thus, visible and invisible objects are highlighted in red. This feature allows you to view many particles and sound sources.

    Locate underground objects

    To view objects that have disappeared in the subsurface (below ground).

    1. Choose Advanced> Display types .
    2. Deselect by patch area or press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-5 .

    Thus the ground is hidden, so you can see what's underneath.

    More Tips

    The following suggestions may be helpful:

    • Choose Advanced> Disable Camera constraints in order to move the camera beyond the normal parameters.
    • Deselect by Advanced> Select Distance limit on to select objects out of your reach can.

    Deal with the object

    Once you have made the object find that you molested by griefing, just ignore it. This sound, and text-chat of the object to be stopped.

    1. Click the right mouse button on the object.
    2. Select Manage> Ignore .
    Tip: To hide unwanted particles, select Advanced> highlight and Visibility> Hide particle or press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-=

    You can also try to contact the owner of the object.  

    1. Click the right mouse button on the object.
    2. Select the object profile .
    3. Click on the name of the owner to view his profile.  
    4. Click the button IM  in their profile and ask him to remove the object or process.

    If you are animated

    If you are animated against your will, you choose I> movement> animation stop my avatar .

    Preventing abuse of your country

    If you own land, you have several ways to prevent abuse and harassment in your country. Both plots as well as regional owner can prevent people who have been shown to be at least 18 years old to enter their country. For more information, see age verification as part of the parcel and property management .

    If you are parcel owners

    parcel controls2.jpgIf you have the necessary rights, you can specify exactly who can enter your country, and others can banish freeze, or land that you own or control throw. For more information, see Managing other residents on your land .

    It is recommended that you disable the option "Object Entry".   This will prevent people dropping objects on the land or shoot moving objects that occur in an adjacent plot.

    You can also control who can build on your land:

    1. Select World> About Land or just click the right mouse button on the bottom and select About Land .
    2. Open the tab Options .
    3. Do not select the Allow other people: Building .

    If you are the owner of a region or property manager

    region controls1.jpgAs the owner of a region or property manager, you have more control over which persons have access to your country and what they can do there.  

    As a property manager, you can restrict access to certain people, or group members to ban certain people, residents throw out, etc.  

    To access these controls:

    1. Select World> Region / estate .
    2. Open the tab property .

    As a region owner or manager, you can prevent certain people to edit terrain (terraforming), fly shoving, etc. To access these controls:


    1. Select World> Region / estate .
    2. Open the tab region .

    More Tips

    If you fall prey to griefing and need some time to expel troublemakers and to banish, proceed as follows:

    1. Select World> Region / estate .
    2. Open the tab Debug .
    3. Select Disable scripts and collisions off
    Note: Turning off script set the operation of all scripted objects in the region temporarily. Once you activate the script for the region again, they take their normal operation.

    User Feedback

    I clicked "Deutsch" (German) from this link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-deal-with-abuse-and-harassment/ta-p/1339983 and it is still English? French seems to work.

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