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  1. I have a horse animesh that is super but it wont navigate and follow me through Phantom mesh grass . Is there something I am missing please ? I am sure this must have come up before ? This is just the basic wiki.secondlife.com code float MIN_SCARE_RANGE = .015; float SENSE_DISTANCE = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; vector WANDER_RANGE = <15.0,15.0,5.0>; vector CURIOUS_RANGE = <10.0,10.0,5.0>; // The radius of the "capsule" Pathfinding thinks is around your character. float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS = 1; float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH = .46; // If your character is considerably longer than wide, consider using CHARACTER_RADUIS and CHARACTER_LENGTH integer minSecBetweenAttacks = 60; // I should take a break betweek attacks so I'm not quite so annoying. string VICTIM_WEARABLE = "blah"; // Avatars wear this so I know I can attack them. string walkanimation = "ANIM_HorseWalk"; string idleanimation = "ANIM_HorseEating"; string attackanimation = "ANIM_HorseIdle1"; vector my_home; // The center of my world. key Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; // fearsome avatar key Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; // The avatar I'm curious about // I don't use SensorRepeat because only the most recent sensor event is queued. Previous sensor events are replaced. float TICK = 0.25; // seconds before next check integer sensor_waiting; // flag integer flagIsIdle = TRUE; // Am I idling or walking? key Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; // avatar I want to attack integer lastattacktime = 0; // tracking when I last attacked float post_jump_sec = 0.5; // time to wait after I jump float post_attack_sec = 1.5; // time to wait after I attack float pursue_dist = 1.75; integer useDebug = TRUE; // debug chatter? or no? string debugObjDesc = "DEBUG"; Debug( string s ) { if ( useDebug == FALSE ) return; llSetText( s, <1,1,1>, 1.0 ); //llOwnerSay( s ); //llShout( s ); } CreateCalmChar() { llCreateCharacter([ CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH, CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } CreateFastChar() { llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH,CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } ShowFear( integer bool ) { // jump! if ( bool == TRUE ) { llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llSleep( post_jump_sec ); } } vector GetAvRegionPos( key av ) { list l = llGetObjectDetails( av, [ OBJECT_POS ] ); return ( llList2Vector( l, 0 ) ); } integer IsPotentialVictim( key av ) // Is that avatar wearing the VICTIM_WEARABLE? { if ( lastattacktime + minSecBetweenAttacks < llGetUnixTime() ) { list attachedUUIDs = llGetAttachedList(av); list objdetails; integer i = llGetListLength( attachedUUIDs ) -1; for ( ; i > -1; --i ) { objdetails = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(attachedUUIDs,i),[OBJECT_NAME]); if ( llList2String(objdetails,0) == VICTIM_WEARABLE ) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } DoWhileCurious() { // if ( Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; //list points = [llGetPos() + <5,0,0>, llGetPos() - <5,0,0>]; // llPatrolPoints(points, [PATROL_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); CreateCalmChar(); llWanderWithin( llList2Vector( llGetObjectDetails( Current_Curiosity, [OBJECT_POS]), 0 ), CURIOUS_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("O.O" ); } SwitchToFleeing( key av ) { Current_Terror = av; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateFastChar(); llEvade( av, [] ); llStopLookAt(); llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } DoAttack() { if ( Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) return; llStartObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llTriggerSound( "SFX_horseSnort1", 1.0 ); llSleep( post_attack_sec ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); lastattacktime = llGetUnixTime(); SwitchToFleeing( Current_Victim ); } DoSomething( key av ) { if ( av == NULL_KEY ) // wander around or stand and idle { llStopLookAt(); if( (integer)llFrand( 25.0 ) == 0 ) { if ( flagIsIdle == FALSE ) { Debug("Standing..."); llSetTimerEvent( 3.0 ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, [] ); llStartObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = TRUE; } } else { if ( flagIsIdle == TRUE ) { Debug("Wandering..."); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, []); } } if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; CreateCalmChar(); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // I have someone! { llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); integer agentinfo = llGetAgentInfo(av); if ( agentinfo & AGENT_AWAY ) // If the av is away... pace around them { if ( av == Current_Curiosity ) return; Debug("Curious..."); Current_Curiosity = av; Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateCalmChar(); llPursue( av, [PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist] ); // Come right up ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // flee or attack! { if ( av == Current_Terror ) return; // if I'm fleeing them, keep fleeing. if ( av == Current_Victim ) return; // if I'm attacking, keep attacking. if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) // decide if I'm attacking or fleeing { if ( IsPotentialVictim(av) == TRUE ) { Debug("Attacking..."); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = av; CreateFastChar(); llPursue( av, [ PURSUIT_INTERCEPT, TRUE, PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist ] ); llLookAt( GetAvRegionPos(av), 0.01, 0.2 ); } else { llStopLookAt(); ShowFear( TRUE ); // start fleeing SwitchToFleeing( av ); } } } } } default { state_entry() { llSetText( "", <1,1,1>, 0.0 ); useDebug = FALSE; if( llGetObjectDesc() == debugObjDesc ) { useDebug = TRUE; } llDeleteCharacter(); // always start with this - clears the object. CreateCalmChar(); my_home = llGetPos(); llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("Wandering..."); ShowFear( FALSE ); llCollisionSound( "", 0.0 ); sensor_waiting = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; } timer() { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); // The script can only have one sensor event queued at a time. // If we add a second, the first one never gets processed. if ( sensor_waiting == FALSE ) { llSensor( "", NULL_KEY, AGENT, SENSE_DISTANCE, PI ); sensor_waiting == TRUE; } llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } sensor( integer n ) { sensor_waiting = FALSE; float closest_av_dist = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; key closest_av = NULL_KEY; integer x = 0; vector pos; key av; float dist; for ( ; x < n; ++x ) { av = llDetectedKey(x); pos = llDetectedPos(x); dist = llVecDist( llGetPos(), pos ); if ( dist < MIN_SCARE_RANGE ) { if ( dist < closest_av_dist ) { closest_av = av; closest_av_dist = dist; } } } DoSomething(closest_av); } no_sensor() { sensor_waiting = FALSE; DoSomething(NULL_KEY); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if ( llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() ) { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); Debug("Stopping. Reset my script to start me again."); list temp = llGetObjectAnimationNames(); integer n = llGetListLength( temp ); for ( --n; n > -1; --n ) { llStopObjectAnimation( llList2String(temp,n) ); } llDeleteCharacter(); // Revert back to a normal prim on touch } } path_update(integer type, list reserved) { if (type == 0) { Debug("Near"); } else if (type == 1) { //Debug("Stopping"); DoWhileCurious(); DoAttack(); } else if (type == 2) { Debug("Cannot path find from current location!"); } else if (type == 3) { Debug("Goal not on navmesh!"); } else if (type == 4) { Debug("Goal unreachable!"); // I freeze when this happens. So... DoSomething( NULL_KEY ); } else if (type == 5) { Debug("Target gone!"); } else if (type == 6) { Debug("No place to go!"); // I freeze when this happens. So... DoSomething( NULL_KEY ); } else if (type == 7) { Debug("Hiding from pursuer..."); } else if (type == 8) { Debug("Switched from hiding to running..."); } else if (type == 9) { Debug("Region has no nav mesh.."); } else if (type == 10) { Debug("Dynamic pathfinding is disabled in this region."); } else if (type == 11) { Debug("Parcel entry problem (is the parcel full?)."); } else if (type == 1000000) { Debug("Hit an unspecified failure"); } else { Debug("Unknown failure"); } } } D
  2. Locke Valley is the product of years of role play experience, several years of planning and a lot of interviews with other role players. Our sim is a humans only and set in a modern day, small, rural city in the Silver Valley of Idaho. Most of the town is middle class, blue collar citizens that all know each other because there are a little less than 800 residents total in the city. The city is a little cut off from the rest of the world because I-90 was built past the city without a direct exit to the city... To get on the interstate, you have to go either 7 or 10 miles down the road to the next town in either direction. The nice part of this is that there isn't much through traffic, so the town is mostly fairly peaceful and it is really easy to move here and pretend to be someone other than who you really are. Maybe you are in witness protection from some bizarre court case, or a former mob associate looking for a clean start, or someone who spent time in prison and can't get a start anywhere else... the possibilities are endless. My sincere hope for Locke Valley is that it will grow into much more than just an RP sim... instead growing into an ever evolving role play community that is focused on Quality, Realistic and Inclusive Role Play. We have talked to a lot of role players and tried to eliminate the things they hate and include the things they love about role playing. Let's take a closer look at those 3 words... Quality, Realistic and Inclusive.... Quality... We are a semi-para and paragraph role play sim. We use emotes (/me) and at least fairly good grammar. We follow post order and break into smaller groups with their own post order if the scene gets too big. We don't allow god modding, meta gaming or power gaming. We are respectful of our fellow players and allow them time to post. Likewise, if we are posting, we keep in mind the time so as not to take too long to post. Realistic... As mentioned above, we are a modern day, human only, urban role play city. When building or allowing businesses, they must pass the test of "Does this kind of business make sense in the city of Locke Valley?" Bookstore, Salon, Gun Shop, Gym, etc are all good options for local businesses that make sense. On the flip side, a NYC style night club really doesn't fit with the theme. We have a smaller volunteer fire department because a city this size wouldn't have a full time fire department. We have a County Sheriff's substation because a city this size wouldn't have a city run police station. We also have a Medical Clinic with Urgent Care instead of a large hospital... because the population of the city doesn't support having a huge hospital. Story lines will be period and area correct. Any factions that we have will also need to pass the same test as businesses. Inclusive... One of the biggest issues we heard about from Role Players (and we had also experienced ourselves) is how hard it is to break into RP in a sim... the existing players always have their little group of friends and only RP with those people. We all know of sims like this. In Locke Valley, we are going to work hard to ensure that every new role player that comes to the sim will be welcomed to the sim, invited to join in on going role play and encouraged to build their own story line to share with the group. We encourage every player to pursue story arcs that interest them and to allow those story arcs to blend/intertwine with other people's story arcs to turn this into an ever evolving community of great role play. Another thing that we have done to encourage players to just jump in with feet and get involved is we have mostly eliminated applications and we give everyone that joins the RP group the title ".:LV:, Roleplayer"... we don't have visitors and tourists... we have role players. The sim does not have "safe zones" or "OOC areas" with the single exception of the skybox you land in when you come to the sim. Once you TP to the ground, you are In Character (IC). Thank you for coming to Locke Valley. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you in character. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tetrapoli/82/199/22
  3. Just what the title says. I want to create my own personal character based on a character I drew but, I have no idea how to go about this. Only real experience I have is editing shapes. Is there a place where I could learn the basics of creating stuff maybe a specific youtube channel or maybe an in sim tutor that takes me through everything I need to create pretty much everything I need to accomplish my goal? Thanks in advance. <3
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