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Bee Caudron

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Posts posted by Bee Caudron

  1. Great point,SL is my RL job,not a fun game,i have 3 pages of "editing" enhancements with i cant touch,and cant see listed either,if wasnt for the reviews would be even better to relist them LOL as i  felt the sales of  those items go lower since they messed up months ago

    i had 14 items refunded and all billed back till my L finishes(when i realised that i sent to another avatar)i prefere to add enhancements again when is all fixed

    what a pain!

  2. She said will remove just for fixing the bug,and numbers we sorted will keep the way we did after they restore,i loved this feature too,but i dont want to sort my whole shop just some of the items,and when we update an item that was sorted it goes back to list end,imagine you needidng to rearrange all everytime you update an item....but if it works as it shoud ,than will be an amazing option for us

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