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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. TBF I could have been reading it wrong when he typed "and". Two separate things? Or related? Either way, I'm bored at the office right now.
  2. This just in... Patch Linden, Suburban Overlord at Linden Lab has stated that the organization is getting ready for a "significant milestone". We reached out for further comments from the lab, but were told everyone was at a Tony Robins seminar. We have no idea what this "significant milestone" could be.
  3. SL keeps me from constantly redecorating my rl home. Which can get pricey $$$
  4. Oh we will. Love your place...scarlet creative I believe.
  5. That's why I like mainland too, even the rental places can be fussy about what you do.
  6. I'm moving to Itame! Kind of a neat neighborhood with people around who have made interesting places. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Itame/183/41/88
  7. In 2004 i saw this picture of a little Linden blue beach house on the sl website, i the land section. I had to have it. I wish i still had the house, it was a freebie that the Lindens made. 2023, and I'm still on the mainland.
  8. You're wasting your college education young lady.
  9. I don't think anyone expects free land but given the amount of un-owned land, and the amount of people in sl who aren't land owners, I would think there could be an improvement in that ratio if they re-considered the tier level costs.
  10. I honestly didn't know about this option until recently. So I'm going to assume some others don't either, but it's a good one!
  11. On a related note, god people put out the ugliest s**t on their land. LOL. I realize how intolerant that sounds but I've been here for 19 years. I'm like an old person. I can complain about other people at this point. A friend of mine and I wander around the grid and are just amazed sometimes and stuff that has been purchased an carefully placed. And it literally looks like a$$. It's like...how can you NOT see that it looks like a$$? Am I missing something? They literally don't see it? I'm honestly confused because to me, if you put something that's well made next to something that isn't, I'm going to prefer the well-made one. There's SO much beautiful content in sl offered every weekend at the sales for pennies. I'm not sure why people continue to cherish crappy looking garbage. end rant. sorry.
  12. We're such a tiny group on the forums. I feel like most sl users don't even know the forums exist. I'm not surprised there is very little linden interaction here. Does sl have a discord?
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