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jak Scribe

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Everything posted by jak Scribe

  1. Thanks for all your help. I understand that it is difficult without seeing the code but the script is long and has many functions and it might be hard to see what I am doing (sometimes I even forget myself after a longer break lol) I am trying something along the lines some of you suggested. I already have all the textures previously given, stored in a special structure in my linksetdata. So after the User has selected the link/face where they want to place a texture, I will replace all possibe receiving links/faces with a certain texture and within the change event I will compare the actual textures on the links/faces and find the one that has changed. Then I have my change link/face I will get back if it works, or doesn't work. Thanks again for all your suggestions PS. I provide an Album with many of my Huds. This enables the Users to store their own textures (static, animated, and or rotational) or for my Update to provide them other textures. This communicates with my other Huds to pass selected textures. Of course the User can 'slide' textures from their own Inventory as long as they have full permissions.
  2. I have a hud containing linked prims and the user can slide a texture on to the visible face of any of those prims. Firstly I get the user to click the face he wishes to change, and I store the link and face select.. Now I see the user could slide a texture onto another prim other than one I asked them to select! Is there anyway to find out which link/face has this new texture? (I do have all the textures already showing stored, but I cannot recognise the link/face of the new texture if it is already the same as one previously placed onto the non-selected link.)
  3. Thank you SOOO much Wulfie ! Been racking my grey cells for weeks over that problem. And any help is good help, no matter how late. Thanks Again
  4. Its an old problem but maybe not fixed yet: My script is sending a Teleport offer to an Avatar: string region = llGetRegionName(); vector p = llGetRootPosition(); string slurl = "/"+(string)llRound(p.x)+"/"+(string)llRound(p.y)+"/"+(string)llRound(p.z); llRegionSayTo( avatarkey,0,"secondlife:///app/teleport/"+llEscapeURL( region+slurl) ); [11:17] JS QuizTP 1.2: Teleport to Shermerville Central/134/97/27 (Notice the "/" in the Slurl) When the Avatar (or myself) clicks my offered Teleport the following message appears: Are you sure you want to teleport to Shermerville Central/134/97/27? After choosing Yes: Teleport failed. Teleport attempts are limited to 6 per minute. Although NO Teleport attempts have been tried. (I even relogged and it still happens) As a test I copied the SLurl from the World Map and pasted the Slurl into my Chat. Copy looked like this: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shermerville%20Central/134/97/27 and looked like this in chat: Shermerville Central (134,97,27) (Notice the "(" and the "." and the ")" in this Slurl) I clicked it and was shown a "Places" Box and could Teleport to there sucessfully. Why the "limit to 6 per minute" and the differences in the Slurl?
  5. I changed my whole object so the root prim is as you suggested Rolig. I then had to changed the llRotBetween(<1.0, 0.0, 0.0), to <0.0, 1.0, 0.0) as Frionil suggested and now it sits correctly when I rez it. Thanks again guys
  6. Thanks Guys I just now have one problem...my Object ends up on its side and the other way around LOL In what directions must the root prim of my Object be created to end up facing as wished?
  7. Hi again, How can I script an object so that it turns and faces me apon being rezzed on the ground? I did try searching here but it turned up thousands of hits
  8. >> Fenix Eldritch Good arguments Fenix. My Dialog Script is already set to time out after 60 seconds, and then the control is passed back to the default state, that way everything is reset again. JS_Dialog(60,"XJSV_Pay","Please 'Click' me again to Pay", [],"");
  9. >> Qie Niangao I have a texture on the front of my Vendor that I could change to "Busy" for the few minutes a 'customer' is using it, and possibly set a flag as well to stop another avatar-id as the one waiting to pay.
  10. And if I create a new account that is the owner of my vendor. The account would only contain the money received from a customer for a few seconds before it transfers it to the creator of the texture.
  11. My Vendor has textures belonging to others, who also set the prices. How can I use llTransferLindenDollars to send them the money collected if I should not (understandably) use PERMISSION_DEBIT ?
  12. Thank you !! At the start of my selection dialogs I set: llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_TOUCH); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [PAY_HIDE ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); and after the texture is chosen: llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [Price,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE]); llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_PAY); JS_Dialog(60,"XJSV_Pay","Please 'Click' me again to Pay", [],""); // calls my own Dialog Script Now the 'customer' only has to click the object again and the pay dialog pops up
  13. I may have overlooked something but I will ask anyway I have an object containing many textures. To choose an animation the Object is set to "Click to: Touch" Each texure has its own price (stored in a linkset) and once a texture has been chosen using a Dialog, the fee is paid and 'customer' receives the texture. At the moment the 'customer' has to right click the object and select 'Pay' etc... which is not very user friendly. Is there any other way (perhaps via a Dialog) to allow the 'customer' to pay ?
  14. Thank you all for your help. I am using llRequestAgentData and it works perfectly
  15. Thanks again Rolig 😁 I realise now that I have always used llKey2Name when an Avatar was in the Region !
  16. I am on a sandbox and I tried this script: list landdetails = llGetParcelDetails( llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER] ); key landownerid = llList2String(landdetails,0); llOwnerSay(landownerid); //>>>>>>>>>> displays the avatars key string avatarname = llKey2Name(landownerid); llOwnerSay("avatarname: ("+avatarname+")"); //>>>>>>>>>> Displays "avatarname: ()" Any idea why it is not showing the avatars name?? The key is the correct key as I have the Owner on my Friends list and its the same key as in thier Profile.
  17. I learned about Binary and Hexadecimal etc in 1968 when I learned to program in Assembler and understand how it works, but thanks again for the reminder Fenix.- The values 10 and 11 that you mention ellevelyn are not even mentioned in the description for llRequestAgentData for DATA_PAYINFO
  18. "when avatar does not have payment info, DATA_PAYINFO returns 0 " I did a test within the dataserver section: if (data == (string)PAYMENT_INFO_USED) { Debug([llKey2Name(avatar),data,"PAYMENT_INFO_USED"]); } else if (data == (string)PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE) { Debug([llKey2Name(avatar),data,"PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE"]); } else { Debug([llKey2Name(avatar),data,"NO PAYMENT_INFO"]); } and it gives me "NO PAYMENT_INFO"] for my own avatar because data = "3" ? My Profile shows I have "Payment Info Used" OK...I see what it is...It looks like 3 means its both PAYMENT_INFO_USED and PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE I wasn't expecting that.
  19. Thank you elleevelyn, this is what I am doing. Havnt tested it yet but I thik it will work. What is returned when you send the DATA_PAYINFO and they never had payment info at all?
  20. I am using the llRequestAgentData to read the DATA_BORN for a list of Avatars, which works fine but now I need to also read the DATA_PAYINFO for any Avatar under a certain SL Age. The DATA_PAYINFO seems to only have two results, but what do I receive when they never had payment info at all? Also: Is there a way to read both DATA_BORN and DATA_PAYINFO in one call of llRequestAgentData? (At the moment I am checking the data returned via the dataserver and if its not one of the DATA_PAYINFO constants I am presuming its the result of the DATA_BORN call)
  21. OK I see what you mean: CHANGED_INVENTORY event does not occur when: A user without modification rights drops an object into a prim's inventory due to llAllowInventoryDrop. I presume I need to check for CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP (Btw, the '5' that trhe debug gave back showed what number the newly added texture is) Thanks again
  22. But it triggers when I do it with the Creator Avatar?
  23. Hello again, I am sending a texture from HUD1 to HUD2, both added and owned by the same Avatar. and doing the following: changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { integer nr = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (nr > 0) { Here I take this received texure and send it to a script inside a display prim controlled by HUD2, then the texture is removed from HUD2's Inventory. } If I, the creator, load both HUDs and test it, it works perfectly. If I pass all Objects etc, needed to my Alt-Avatar for testing, with the correct permissions everything works perfectly except: changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) ... is NOT triggered. I did the following debugging: changed(integer change) { Debug(["CHANGED",llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL)]); if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { Debug(["CHANGED_INVENTORY",llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE)]); llAllowInventoryDrop(FALSE); integer nr = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (nr > 0) and received this: CHANGED, 5 but no debug message for Debug(["CHANGED_INVENTORY", .... which means the trigger is not CHANGED_INVENTORY but the texture was placed in the Prims Inventory! Any Idea why I am having this problem?
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