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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. I log in because it’s fun for me. Generally if something completely voluntary is not giving me joy, I don’t do it. It can take time to really “get” SL as a new person, but it’s not for everyone, and if I felt like I had to cope with it I would stop logging in.
  2. Loving my new raven shoulder pet and poofy dress. ❤️
  3. It really is amazing! ETA the hype machine, not the body. I have no intentions of getting it.
  4. Eva is my BFF’s name and I’ve always loved it. Knoller was completely random. I don’t think I even scrolled through the list much or I definitely would have picked something else. I honestly did not expect to be on SL for a week, much less 12 years from that moment.
  5. I am in need of some lashes for my Genus head that aren’t mile-high spider lashes, and am striking out at my usual shops. What are some of your favorite places to buy lashes and cosmetics? I am hoping for some new ideas. Thank you!
  6. ...Trick or treating around my (real) neighborhood. During the month of October I have been/will be all manner of evil things in SL. Also a cute sheet ghost.
  7. I put a spell on you... Happy to see a lot of new faces in the thread!
  8. Loiter at a popular fruit named clothing store and you just might find out! I had lindens dropped on me twice there in the past 6 months or so.
  9. This is tangentially related and not a peeve, but what’s up with the people, always male avatars, that just randomly send lindens without saying anything before or after. If it’s a lot, I hightail it out of there in case they realize they made a mistake. 😀 *of course I would give it back if they clicked me instead of a vendor.
  10. No one mentioned the giant chicken nuggets?! I love this shot!
  11. I’ll be 12 next month. Wheeeeee!!
  12. I think the number of naked noobs with their ‘let’s sex’ IMs shows that SL is already known for sex. It’s the other stuff that LL needs help promoting.
  13. I have something similar from Suicidal Unborn (SU!), but like Skell mentions they are rigged for specific Catwa heads. Not sure if any of the newer heads are supported because I haven’t bought anything new from her in a while. This as is for makeup, but the piercings can be found there too.
  14. Yes, some aspects are the same. In RL and SL I am a thin, Caucasian female. In RL I am 5’5” and in SL I am pushing 6’, so that’s quite different. In RL I never wear heels unless going to a wedding or party, and it’s the same in SL. I just feel more like “me” in flats. I dress similarly in both worlds. Now I feel boring! I need to go find a dragon avi or something.
  15. This is really beautiful, Wren. Hope to see more posts from you! Well done! I just love Halloween... can’t wait to bust out my witch gear. He he.
  16. I try to get everyone I know to watch Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It’s so hilarious!
  17. This dress by Ison is bento animated and looks like it’s blowing in the wind.
  18. We don’t disagree. 🙂 It’s good that you care about taking the time to learn what makes people tick.
  19. Okay, I think I get what you are saying. The curvy part did not offend, as I don’t have a particularly curvy avatar. Avatar appearance and identity is s very personal thing, so I can see why someone would take offense to being asked why they look the way they do, especially if the question came out of nowhere. It would be different if the question happened naturally over the course of a conversation.
  20. What sort of answer are you expecting to get? If someone asked me why I look the way I do, the answer would be because I like it. I can see why a question about why someone chooses to have a curvy avatar would raise some hackles.
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