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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Actually it's pretty easy to spot any of the bodies and especially the system body without inspecting them. They all have their very distinguishable features. I don't depend on a body or a head to make me unique. It's what I do with them that makes me different from the crowd.
  2. If you can't look unique while wearing a Maitreya body, there's something wrong with your creativity!
  3. We have a very real counterpart to this in the real world. Look at first run movies and how you can only see them in the theater when first released. They are available later for either purchase or rental after the "event" has run its course. And even so, it's rather silly to think that the way things work in the real world is how they should work in an virtual world or video game.
  4. There are only two people whose posts I regularly disregard or simply skim the post for the actual content. I don't mind long posts that are well written and contain useful information, in fact I quite enjoy them. But I'm not going to wade through someones constant negativity just to find a grain of truth or something useful. I am a retired teacher. I love the written word. I enjoy a vigorous debate and constructive criticism done with respect and kindness.
  5. @Klytina, your posts are too long and too full of venom for me to even read them. If you removed your outright bias toward people/topics by not using those overly long, over the top adjectives your posts would be more palatable.
  6. I've always believed that exclusive meant that the only place the item is available during the event is at the event. I've never seen it to mean that the item disappears after the event closes unless specifically advertised as such, which is extremely rare.
  7. Sorry, Phil. The respect comment came as a response to Klytina's comment. The edit note explains that but it's too small to read. I haven't figured out how to quote more than one person in a post.
  8. I can identify with you, really. I gave up trying to keep track of all the alts. He found me at events and concerts, so much so in the beginning, that I gave up going. I filed AR after AR on him and his army of alts. Nothing helped until I started totally ignoring him. My friends also ignored him. Ignoring was the only thing that worked. From time to time, maybe once a year in the past three years, he will show up in my security report as having been in my land.
  9. I've had a stalker for over eight years. I've found the best tool is to ignore them. I don't even ban him from my parcels anymore. He is muted. He's of no consequence. There is no way I would give up my account/avatar because of a stalker.
  10. This is true; however, you are straining at a gnat and swallowing the fly. Look at the intent of her post, the reason for her wanting them to have an in-world counterpart. "Yet nicks are used so that people who routinely harass others never have to face the consequences in the community, which might be property bans, shunning or boycotts, I suppose." It doesn't matter that those accounts are actually in-world accounts, because those avatars are never used and therefore cannot have an in-world consequence. Truth is if someone does something so heinous as to deserve such a consequence, the Lindens have the means to do so and in my opinion are the only ones who should be applying consequences. As to respect being something to be earned, I was taught that respect is given until someone looses it. Then respect must be earned as a consequence. I practice that all the time. Those who have lost my respect typically don't get any kind of response to one of their posts as it's simply not worth my time to respond or more than likely I never read their post/response in the first place because I simply skipped over them.
  11. Every piece of abandoned land I've purchased from Linden Lab, and there have been a few, were cut from larger parcels. Put in a ticket.
  12. I get what Prok is saying about someone making an alt to post to the forums and that alt not really being present in-world. What I don't get is why does it matter. Shouldn't we be grown up enough to not want to exact some kind of revenge on someone in-world just because we don't like what they are saying in the forums. Personally I think it's a shame that some feel as though they must make an alt to post on the forums. Life would be pretty boring if we all had the same opinions. Why can't we just respect each other and agree to disagree?
  13. Much to their own doing because they will not give up their inventories. LL is not to blame for that. I too don't want to loose my collection of things. But we can't make all these changes unless we are willing to give something up in return for making it better. LL won't break our content. That alone keeps our world tied to the past instead of being able to move forward.
  14. I know one of the most popular clothing brands in SL hires out all her rigging. I know another team where one does the mesh and the other does the textures. I know of two popular designers who teamed up to create a third brand where again, one did the mesh and the other the textures. All of this is original work in my opinion. I see these as partnerships. But in all of these cases none of the brands are trying to hide the fact that there is a team behind the brand. I think that's the point. Credit is given to the people involved. It's not someone buying a model from a website that is clearly not to be resold and then selling it in SL as their own work.
  15. I don't think I've seen a sign "100% Original Content" on anything. All I see is the "Original Mesh" label. I've always thought that meant the person who is listed as the creator actually did the modeling of the mesh. I've never thought it meant anything else. It doesn't mean the person did the texturing or scripting or rigging even. But that's what I've always taken it to mean. I know you can buy templates/models here in SL. I bought a couple myself in the early days of mesh, but it kind of felt like I was cheating to use one, so it was a great motivator to make me buckle down and learn Blender. Don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with people buying and using templates/models in compliance with the license agreement. It just wasn't something I felt comfortable doing myself. I am a firm supporter of creators both here in SL and out. Modeling mesh is time consuming and labor intensive. I am dismayed that anyone would pass off a purchased model as their own original work and especially so when the resale of the model is prohibited.
  16. Harper. But I must tell you I have modded it to the point that it doesn't really look like the original. But it IS my fave go-to hair of all time.
  17. Because I don't like a hairy chest while I dance. I do wear my tried and true Analog Dog curly hairstyle that sets just a little bit above my shoulders nearly all the time however.
  18. Haven't seen my system body in years and haven't seen my system head in over two years maybe more. Don't want to see them either. I do miss flexi .. well done flexi in both hair and skirts. I do wish there was a way for SL to handle cloth physics, but I doubt that is something we'll ever see here in SL. So perhaps having a mix of very well done flexi with mesh is the only option we'll have for clothing or hair that really needs to sway with the movement of the avatar.
  19. Simply sort by owner name. You should know the avatar's name. Then you can see the same information given with the What's She Wearing hud. This isn't a contest. I remind you of what I said in the beginning of my post, "What is she wearing HUD works great for scanning one person at a time..." I was simply offering another method to get the same information without having to use a HUD.
  20. Not so. You can get the creator name from the area search and the name of the object the person is wearing. You can pull up the creator profile to find the location of the store or usually a link to their MP.
  21. What is she wearing HUD works great for scanning one person at a time, but lately I've started using the Firestorm Area Search to scan the whole crowd. Use the filters to set to scan for attachments and you get a wealth of information in a couple of seconds time.
  22. I've seen lots of good suggestions here. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Tres Blah, with a large selection that goes from sophisticated to cute to sexy. You can find her in many events as well as her main store. One of my favorite shops to watch for when C88 comes around.
  23. I own the Belleza bodies but don't use them, so take that into account with my suggestions: 1. Be sure the clothing you're wearing was made for Belleza Freya specifically. 2. There are different options for the boobs .. don't use the perky .. or try the different options to see if it will work with your clothing.
  24. Most of the "tan lines" for sale actually add white to the area where your bathing suit would be. They don't make your skin darker. You're going to loose a lot of the details in your skin if you try to make your skin darker with a tattoo layer unless you're are only wanting to make the skin very slightly darker. If that's the case, then grab the SLUV ( http://www.vengeancestudio.com/sl/chip-templates/ )and use PS to make a tattoo leaving the bathing suit area without any color.
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