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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. No, I didn't imply any such thing. You are reading things into my comments that I did NOT say. You equate best with MONEY. I do not. Best are the ones who do the most to keep SL alive and thriving. I"m done with this thread other than to say directly to Xiola. I love the post .. keep them coming.
  2. Let's just see how many residents we would have if there were no merchants in SL! Linden Labs best customers are those who keep people logging into SL not who pays them the most money individually!
  3. I wasn't talking about store owners using land. I was talking about the customers of those stores using land to put the things they bought from those stores on their purchased land. You are putting way too much value on land. Even the lab sees that the tide is turning and that their is added value in sales taxes. Merchants are pulling their weight and attracting people to SL. I'm not saying land isn't important. What I'm saying is it's an economy with my facets. Your talking from a base line of how much money does the person pay directly to the lab. I'm talking about how much revenue does a merchant stimulate through their business dealings.
  4. I can understand it being a rude awakening if you don't pay attention to the news feed on your account page. But you know now. Really there is no reason for you to spend more money buying Lindens if you plan accordingly. Honestly, I don't blame LL for upping the fee even if the only reason was to cut down on the sheer volume of very small Linden dollar purchases. All those tiny purchases require accounting in some form or another. So do yourself and LL a favor and buy larger amounts spread over larger periods of time.
  5. Oh Phil, really? First that's just opinion. Second, shopping is huge in SL. It attracts lots and lots of people. Then those people get land to put all their goodies on and then dress up their barbies. So merchants who attract shoppers are doing a service to LL. It is all part of the economy that drives SL. Also, LL is proud to advertise how people make real money and make a lot of real money. I see it in their ads.
  6. Look at the date on the very botton of that page. This page was last modified on 29 November 2012, at 09:17. The one I posted was August 2015 .. so it's more current. I don't know how they can do it .. but apparently they are. Maybe when the Lindens get back from the holiday weekend they can post an answer as to which is correct.
  7. Apparently subscriptions used to be subject to VAT but no longer.
  8. I think he's mistaken. Looking at the table showing fees .. it indicates that fees/taxes are charged on Lindex transactions, tier, and private estate purchases. There is no indication that any taxes are charged for subscriptions.
  9. Currently all or at least 95% of Linden Homes are in regions labeled as mature. I honestly can't remember seeing any in regions labeled as general but I'm sure I've just missed them. I've had a Linden home on and off since they were first introduced. In that thread about the guy who put a dungeon with extreme human torture in clear view - not behind closed doors- I mentioned that I thought if adult regions are allowed in SL, and they are, then they should also have Linden homes in adult regions. That's when someone responded that there were .. hadn't I heard of Horizons.
  10. I"d sleep on the floor. Guess I'm that cheap or hate to waste money. I loathe putting money in someone's pocket as interest. It's true if you can't find a lovely piece of mainland that you would enjoy living on then it makes no sense to go premium. Which is my whole point of why Mainland needs a revamp.
  11. All true, plus it's just not a good granite texture. Terrain textures really need updating as well as transition placement.
  12. This is like someone buying a mattress and putting it on credit because it's cheaper up front. lol .. at the end see who paid the most .. the person paying cash and walking out with the mattress or someone who took the payment plan and paid for another five years.
  13. If you jump in you will die .. lol. My best friend just sold a couple parcels on that mountain. She made some good money on those parcels too. Mind you she's not a flipper and her asking price was reasonable.
  14. My hope is that they will sink those continents like Atlantis, and we'll never see them again. Oh, but someone has!!
  15. I apologize. It wasn't you. I was scanning all my responses in my history to see who had said it. In another thread I had mentioned that I thought having Linden Homes in adult regions would help with some issues that arise in the Linden Home areas. The person responded by saying there were Linden Homes in the adult area and referenced Horizons. So again, my apologies.
  16. I'll agree that for a person who doesn't have a real knowledge of how the land market works in SL, or has a problem budgeting their SL finances (ie. willpower to save that stipend) then perhaps renting is a better choice for them. I have always sought prime land when I buy. But I search for something that is a really good buy but yet still a prime location. Are those easy to find? No, they aren't. You have to put work into it. But also, once you find such a location you're probably going to stay there a good amount of time. When you decide you want to move you will most likely get all the purchase price back with a bit of added profit if you bought wisely to begin with. Then you can do a new search. In the many years I've been in SL I have owned few properties. I like settling in and getting to know my surroundings and my neighbors.
  17. Oh I agree that you can still find pretty mainland and even some of it is abandoned. But that's no reason not to fix the bad parts. Also, I agree just changing some of the terrain textures would be a HUGE improvement.
  18. I agree that LL shouldn't favor based on merchant income though to be honest isn't that the fact with any good business with customers. You cater to your best customers... but that's beside the point really. The point to me is did Xiola do something wrong by posting a fashion blog with a stylecard attached showing where she got the items. I say no she didn't. I think it's good business and advertisement is good regardless. My opinion of course.
  19. More likely they will be set up just like Linden Homes are now, where a premium member can select one from their account page. No one will be able to sell one when they leave. They will simply abandon as you do now with Linden Homes. I think you are still confusing Horizons with Linden Homes. They are very different. Horizons is like Bay City or Nautilus City with the addition of being able to rez a home in the parcel provided by the lab. What would really be nice is if it was indeed like Linden Homes but that the parcel would be empty with one of those nifty little mailboxs that lets you rez a Linden Home if you desire. I doubt that will happen though as there'd be no way to control what can be rezzed and therefore the theme of the area would be lost much as it is now in both Bay City and Nautilus City.
  20. As a retired art and history teacher, I couldn't agree with you more. History has been streamlined, or completely cut, as more and more content has been added to the curriculum. The argument was teach the students how to find the information rather than teach the information. Unfortunately, students rarely seek out history on their own. Teachers have to make it relevant to the student in order to cultivate the interest. This single thing alone I think is going to have the biggest impact on our futures. You can't know how to shape the future if you don't understand the past.
  21. Is allergic to cats! Keeps bottle of Benedryl around when I have to be near cats.
  22. Always on as well as shadows. SL is just too flat looking without them. I have a decent machine .. not the best by any means and not the worst either. I can run two instances of SL at the same time with those enabled and do okay with fps. When going to a very crowded avenue with 40+ avatars I will reduce view distance drastically to keep my fps up and only run one client. As a creator, I am constantly running additional aps with SL. I very often will have SL, blender and gimp all running at the same time along with a browser. Of course during those times I'm alone in my workshop.
  23. Fortune is a relative term. If I were making just 1/4 of what one of those merchants are making I would consider it a fortune.
  24. Again, your lack of understanding the shopping culture in SL is showing. I can think of three (Maitreya, Catwa, Blueberry) and I'm sure there are many, many more who are taking large sums of cash out of SL. I don't have any trouble if a company gives preferential treatment to their best customers. I'm a very small merchant. I don't have any issue with it. I think anything that promotes the shopping culture in SL is good for my business.
  25. Have you seen this thread? 380 new regions ... speculate all you like but sure looks like a new land mass for Linden Homes to me.
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