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Grizzy Grut

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Posts posted by Grizzy Grut

  1. I de-friended someone for causing grief and now he doesn't stop harrasing me. He spammed me with notecards calling me a "**bleep**" and "liar" and "c***", so I blocked him. Then he just carried on spamming me with notecards filling up my trash folder, then talked to my friends behind my back trying to find a way to hurt me.

    I try ignoring but every few days it is something new and now I just want him gone. I tried reporting and sent him a card saying warning him and to just leave me alone, but he just said notecard spammed back with:

    "Frist off in the tos if you mute some one its null and void thats why it gos to youre trash you can report me all you want but they will tell you to just pruge youre trash and im not trying to turn people aignts you you say i insult you when youre the only one who startyed this wich makes me think you lied to jord becuse he was telling me this can be between me and eric you never told him you borught eric there huh very funny and how did i insult you i was right about you youre nothing but a hypacritacl **bleep** you can report me all you want enlss you unmute me then if i send you ntoe cards that my dear miss is spam im let the others find you out by them selfs"


    Will reporting do anything or will I just need to put up with this untill he gets bored? (He lost all his friends over his attitude and he blames me, so it will be a long time till he stops.)



    He is Narcissistic and I have been ignoring for a month now, but when a friend yesturday (that he didn't know) told me the guy IMed him about a notecard with his name in it, trying to make out the notecard was in some way me insulting the friend when it wasn't... then I just had enough. He is very manipulative because all he does is lie and victimize himself, so he can be good at making something out of nothing if it means an attack on me.

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