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Leda Sands

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Posts posted by Leda Sands

  1. I have been using outfits for ages. My active gestures used to stay active when I changed outfit. Suddenly, as of yesterday, all my gestures were deactivated when I changed my outfit. Now, I can't get them to stay active through outfit changes. I have to reactivate them all after each change. This seems to be a new behaviour. How can I get the gestures to stay active? 

    Edit: I have just found that I can copy and paste gestures as links into outfit folders, after which the gestures show in the outfit folders  like attachments. I never could do this in the past. I'll have to see if this persists. 

    Edit 2: I don't believe this can be an intended change as it will add hugely to inventories and add to server load. 

    Edit 3: Screenshot of inventory with gestures showing.

    inventory with gestures.png

  2. 12 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Oh, that's an idea: use a static snapshot of the media as the surface texture, then when the window is "open" llSetLinkMedia(PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY) and when the window is "closed" call llClearLinkMedia(). It's not exactly what was asked because when closed, it's not only silent but also static, and only works in viewers with media auto-play enabled, but that's kinda inevitable.

    If Parcel Media were an option, you could do much the same with _PLAY and _PAUSE commands.

    (Best I could come up with was to carve out a separate parcel for the media on the outside of the window, and task a bot to toggle About Land / Sound / "Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel" to match the window's open/closed state... except even if one had a bot at one's disposal, I'm not at all sure this toggle actually affects shared media. Probably not, now that I think about it.)

    We'll experiment with this too, thanks:))

  3. 29 minutes ago, Phate Shepherd said:

    You can start and stop media via script, but I don't believe you can control volume level. You may just have to stop the video. Automatic control of media on prim does rely on client settings being set to allow it.


    Yes, we're just discovering how each user will experience media according to their own settings. So it probably can't be done.

  4. My partner and I are working on a project to show videos of rl scenes, including webcams, as if seen through the windows in our skybox, using media on a prim to show the video. Movement and sound contribute greatly to immersion.

    We are now adding windows that 'open' and 'close'. We want to have the video sound level increase and decrease automatically (probably just come on and go off) when the windows open and close.

    Can anyone suggest how this might be done (and even if it's possible)?

  5. My partner and I are working on an in-world media player using media on a prim face (set via the texture tab in Edit). We both see, for example, YouTube videos in world without a problem. However, while live webcam feeds work fine in my home pc browser, in world they work for her but not me. I only see the message "Your browser does not currently recognise any of the video formats available."

    Example streams:



    I don't understand what browser it's using in world or why it works on my pc browser but not in-world.

    I have set Firestorm to use my own browser, not the built- in one; changed my default browser from Firefox to Microsoft Edge; compared using the official sl viewer; changed my internet connection (between wifi to my own mobile data dongle); and been through the Firestorm wiki guide to media problems, all to no avail. We can’t see any difference in our pc/browser/viewer setups that would explain this failure of shared experience.

    Has anyone else experienced this issue (and solved it!!)?

  6. Thanks,

    14 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

    Those hops simply don't allow ICMP packets. Your tracert seems to be fine , those 172ms are OK and your packet loss at 0.1% is good too.

    Maybe when your viewer stalls the signal is breaking up..  Have a look at it when that happens and tell us.

    Thanks, it's reassuring to know it's not the gaps in the routing.  I'll follow your advice and get back when I have any more information.


  7. I live on a boat and have two options to get on line, both wireless. One is the marina wifi, the other is my TP-Link M7350 mobile data dongle using an EE sim. The marina wifi is relatively slow and occasionally drops completely for time, which is a major annoyance, but when it's up it works ok with Second Life. The TP-Link is much faster, seems not to drop the connection, but often the viewer stalls loading textures and sometimes makes me crash when tp'ing. The firmware for the dongle is up to date. I've changed many of its settings (band, channel, mode) without success. On my phone the Wifi Analyser app shows a much stronger signal for the dongle than the marina wifi and the channels automatically selected are rated good.

    I have just now tried tracert with the following result for the dongle:

    Tracing route to sim10091.agni.lindenlab.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

     1     5 ms     3 ms     5 ms (the dongle IP address)
      2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      3    90 ms    34 ms    37 ms (local IP address)
      4   107 ms    35 ms    36 ms (local IP address)
      5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      6    56 ms    36 ms    38 ms (local IP address)
      7    91 ms    36 ms    48 ms (local IP address)
      8   115 ms    39 ms    33 ms (EE address)
      9    60 ms    23 ms    37 ms (EE address)
     10    20 ms    38 ms    36 ms  lag-107.ear1.London1.Level3.net []
     11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     12   283 ms   158 ms   155 ms  LINDEN-RESE.bar1.Phoenix1.Level3.net []
     13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     15  2698 ms   148 ms   146 ms  sim10091.agni.lindenlab.com []

    Link to screenshot of stats https://prnt.sc/tr3rv6

    There are many local stages and two timeouts in this route. Could that be the problem? Any suggestions what to do about it please?


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