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SiaNova Portal

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Posts posted by SiaNova Portal

  1. basically whenever I try to visit location from Brave web browser nothing happens. for whatever reasons everything works fine at first and then it just stops after awhile. could an windows update have an effect on this and how do I force the link to work again without the use of third party program.  

  2. found it. unfortunately it's standard Reborn only and the creator has yet to respond to my notecard.

    [Cruel] Kin top    their marketplace store is currently unavailable. 

  3. On 4/15/2024 at 2:54 AM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    Your info is saved on your PC but there is no way to import/export it. The info can't even be used on the same PC when certain changes happen to your system.

    well...I kind of got it. I run Firestorm on an external ssd. so placing that into another PC gets me quick access to Firestorm but not usernames and PWs. if I take a copy of user setting into an different PC well. I get the unable to decode error. as long as its the same PC I can retain UNs and PWs with full reinstall.(In with this alone I'm happy) but is it possible to get pass error when using a different PC I wonder. 

  4. 22 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I've used Last Pass to store info like that for years.  

    did a little background check on them, didn't like what I saw. a lot of everything I see looks over the top. once you put in a username and password it auto save when switching alts. that info must be store on my pc somewhere right? or is it sever side?

  5. Is it possible to save my users names and passwords so when I reinstall Firestorm I don't have to retype them in one by one. an import feature of some sort???

  6. basically I brought two animations from the LeRoux  store. the first I did not receive. figure things were just being slow and ignored it. the second animation I did get. after some time I restarted firestorm and my animation is still missing? I go to redelivery terminal and it claims I have not brought anything from that store, despite the fact that I have one of the two animations and a transaction log of the two payments. I've already sent a notecard to the owner (still awaiting a respond ) next I plan to get in contact with Caspertech. are there any other things/options I'm missing?

    Don't know if the SL unscheduled marketplace listing maintenance has anything to do with the problem?Snapshot_006.thumb.png.957fc9c6a59845b1ad93303b9905f605.pngScreenshot(5).thumb.png.20d76ae38a00b34fb7ccba5a4b4bbd40.png

    It would seem the terminal can't record single animations, only full fatpacks. I had no idea that was a thing. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

    You don't "add" a rainbow script to it; you write a script specifically for that skirt. The mechanics of doing a texture change or a color change are simple enough, but the first challenge is knowing which links and faces to change. Then you specify those link/face numbers in the script.  The second challenge is having textures that are meant to work on that particular skirt.  You can usually change colors easily enough, but skirts these days are mesh objects; that complicates texturing. When you texture a mesh object, you apply textures that are based on the UV map that the creator made for the object.  Any other textures just don't fit.  They end up looking all wonky. The bottom line is that you have to do at least some custom modifications to make a texture/color change script work on your own skirt.

    took awhile but finally figure it out. just needed some patience, a time machine, and more patience.


  8. 14 hours ago, steeljane42 said:

    Check what else you're wearing as something is deforming your avatar. It'll be either an actual deformer, but it's unlikely as you wouldn't buy/use it by mistake, some "sexy animations/dances HUD" with built-in deformers or a sex attachment like V which also has built-in deformers somewhere in its HUD.

    If it won't be something obvious, then detach everything that is not a body, reset skeleton and start adding other parts of that saved outfit one by one until you'll see the same deformation happening.

    did what you said in found the problem. apparently I wasn't paying attention to what I was buying at the Vista AO shop. ThanksSnapshot_001.thumb.png.dc9de75f8e698f05040d21f302b4a012.png

  9. [Edited]

    so I notice awhile back that my scarf keeps clipping through my sweater. a closer look showed me that my avatar's breast were lopsided. a quick reset skeleton helps but only for a short period.

    within about 5 minutes I'll notice the breast are yet again lopsided. the pictures below show the breast colliding together at its worst. I also included picture on what it should look like if it help.

    any ideas on how to stop this? even if I remove my breast physics the problem still persist.  








  10. is it possible to get a gifted item refunded back to sender?

    I assume not and or I'll have to hunt down the creator.

    do I need a ticket to suggest a better gift system much like Steam?

    example--player1 gift player2 a $50 game.   Steam holds the money and asks player2 if they accept the gift. player2 decline so Steam sends the money back to player1...

  11. as the title says. looking for a home that's also a spaceship. the main problem I'm having is finding something that looks good, has decent spacing, low LI and will primarily fit on a 16x32 land (512)

    knowing this is likely not possible I'll settle for 1024 or worst case scenario 2048.

    because SL is so vast, I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.


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