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Whirly Fizzle

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Everything posted by Whirly Fizzle

  1. Sounds like known EEP bugs. BUG-229033 - [EEP] Sun light vanishes instantly the second it disappears below the horizon line BUG-230817 - EEP Sun Pops Out of Existance At Horizon
  2. Actually, looks like this bug, which is slightly different: BUG-232776 - At log in I see only a partial list of my friends online in local chat and in the console
  3. It looks like this server bug. BUG-232037 - Avatar Online / Offline Status Not Correctly Updating
  4. UK here. I can't change my profile image via web profiles.
  5. As far as I know, this is an intended change because LL are doing away with web profiles. On the latest LL Viewer release, which uses the new legacy profiles, open your profile & in the Bio tab, use the Actions drop down and choose "Upload Photo" to pick an image from your computer. This has no cost. The next Firestorm release will also switch over to the new legacy profiles.
  6. OP has form - https://www.firestormviewer.org/regarding-false-rumor-ll-blocked-firestorm/
  7. Local Mesh allows you to preview your mesh creations inworld and see edits you make to the mesh dae file in real time. Local Mesh allows you to perfect your mesh creations on the main grid without having to waste L$ on test uploads or using Aditi, the beta grid, for free mesh uploads. Local mesh works for unrigged mesh, worn rigged mesh and even Animesh! For further details, please see Beq Janus's blog post: Announcing Local Mesh You can try the Local Mesh feature now in the Firestorm Beta For the viewer download links, please join the "Phoenix-Firestorm Preview Group" and check the group notices. Release Notes: Firestorm Beta Release Notes
  8. This has been fixed through a Firestorm support ticket.
  9. It will still load the floaters if autoplay is disabled, just not as quickly.
  10. It's just a clever use of viewer media. Though it seems very scary, all that can be done on unpatched viewers is open up any viewer floater on your screen when the media loads, plus enter custom text into the search window or TOS window etc. Obviously I don't want to explain how it's done before everyone has the fix. I wish I could because then it would be less scary when you see what 's actually happening. All I will say is the media is not actually directing to an web page at all & it's actually using supported functions in the viewer. I'm surprised no griefer thought of using it this way before. So please don't worry - it's extremely annoying but ultimately harmless. I suspect LL patched it quickly because it was causing lots of worry to those that had been hit with it, understandably.
  11. Thanks. Yes this form of griefing has been popping up over the last few days. It uses media on a prim (MOAP) to open those floaters on your screen. If you disable media in the viewer, it will stop it. Linden Lab issued an emergency ModalHotfix viewer to fix this on Thursday: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ Firestorm Viewer will have a new beta viewer out, hopefully tomorrow with the fix. To pick up the Firestorm Beta, please join the "Phoenix-Firestorm Preview Group" & the beta will be sent out in the group notice. This problem affects all viewers that don't yet have the Linden Lab patch. NOTE: Even on the patched viewers, MOAP is still able to open the search and places floater on a users screen.
  12. It's there for me but it's broken Second Life Release (64bit), Windows 10
  13. I suspect it might be this orb: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Aniti-Bot-Security-Orb/828703, especially given the most recent review Looks like a very old product, given the xstreetsl links & 2009 Copyright. = Old viewer or OnRez viewer = Anti bot avatar security orb test avatars viewer. But old viewer (before 2008) and OnRez viewer must judge bot. = Using old viewer and OnRez = Please recommend update to new viewer. OnRez too. If they want to continue old viewer or OnRez, you must set avatar name in allow notecard in Anti bot security orb I'm curious how a script can detect a users viewer. Very VERY old versions of Firestorm (or Phoenix) that had the Firestorm LSL bridge attached to the avatar rather then a HUD point could be detected I guess.
  14. Fwiw, I can't reproduce this problem on Windows using the Lelutka Avalon head in EvoX mode. https://gyazo.com/0e45265b0f9617d4a2d288f35edca7cf Cool VL Viewer v1.30.0.10, 64 bits, Jul 30 2022 10:55:34 Release notes You are at 261488.6, 246874.3, 21.7 in By Design located at simhost-03a770ed55f2e514d.agni.secondlife.io ( Alias: ec2-35-87-11-176.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com Second Life Server 2022-07-07.573176 Release notes CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3491.92 MHz) Memory: 16268MB OS version: Microsoft Windows 10 64 bits v10.0 (build 10586.1826) Memory manager: OS native Graphics card vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics card: GeForce GTX 750/PCIe/SSE2 Windows graphics driver version: 27.21.0014.5671 OpenGL version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 456.71 Detected VRAM: 1024MB J2C decoder: OpenJPEG: Audio driver: FMOD Studio v2.02.07 Networking backend: libcurl 7.47.0/OpenSSL 1.0.2u/zlib 1.2.11.zlib-ng Embedded browser: Dullahan 1.12.3/CEF 91.1.21/Chromium 91.0.4472.114 Packets lost: 17/22750 (0.1%) Built with: MSVC v1916 Compiler-generated maths: SSE2. Compile flags used for this build: /O2 /Oi /DNDEBUG /D_SECURE_SCL=0 /D_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /GR /EHsc /std:c++14 /EHs /fp:fast /MP /TP /W2 /c /nologo /GS- /Zc:threadSafeInit- /DLL_WINDOWS=1 /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWINVER=0x0601 /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 /DLL_PHMAP=1 /DLL_NETBIOS=1 /DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB /DLL_FMOD=1 /DAPR_DECLARE_STATIC /DAPU_DECLARE_STATIC /DXML_STATIC /DCURL_STATICLIB=1
  15. That's an old Lelutka head. Grab the demo of the "Avalon" head, which uses the EvoX system.
  16. It's been filed on JIRA by Soft Linden, the issue is not public though. @Patch Linden https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-231087
  17. Your symptoms might be caused by the login timing out due to the "creating inventory views" stage of login taking too long. This happens if you have a large "flat" inventory structure. If clearing inventory cache lets you fully login without a disconnect then this very much points to a flat inventory problem - creating inventory views is instant when inventory cache is empty. If your alts with smaller/less flat inventories do not have the same login problem then this also strongly suggests your inventory needs deflattened. If you contact LL support at https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/home & tell them your problem, they will deflatten your inventory if it needs to be done, which will fix your login timeouts. A "flat" inventory means you have many hundreds of items loose in the same folder/s, rather then having them in subfolders. A deeply nested inventory with subfolders within folders is best. Many hundreds of items in the root inventory folder especially can cause problems. The more you subfolder your inventory the better. Hope that helps
  18. Attach & detach requests have to go through the region since the AIS3 inventory update, so on a very busy/laggy region, attach/detach can be slow. Inventory issues/corruption can also slow down attach/detach requests.
  19. It could be worse, at least it's not the sneezing fairies this time
  20. Confirmed, I filed a bug report BUG-231865 - [MAINT J+K] No inventory loads when NoInventoryLibrary is set to TRUE
  21. It looks like it's not rigged for your head. If the hair initially looks ok and then suddenly floats up like that, it might be a rigged attachment you have added to your avatar that distorts the hair or an animation playing on your avatar that distorts the hair.
  22. Nah that's a "bug". BUG-216400 - DOF settings ignored on hi-rez snapshots
  23. BUG-229460 - Accepted offline friendship requests revert after relog BUG-229227 - Offline group invites not working
  24. If the group invite was sent when you were offline, then the join will fail when you accept after logging in. This is a known bug, see BUG-229227 - Offline group invites not working
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