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Dylan Rickenbacker

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Everything posted by Dylan Rickenbacker

  1. I tried to buy an item on the marketplace with a price tag of 12,600L$, which is slightly less than US$54. I wanted to pay via PayPal. So I was redirected to PayPal to authorize my payment - no problems so far. But when I was redirected to the marketplace page, I got this: "Gateway Error ... The transaction was refused because the maximum amount was excceeded as a result of your Maximum Amount Risk Control Settings." Any idea what's up with that? I called PayPal - they say it has nothing to do with them or with my account there. I even tried again after moving the funds to my PayPal account first ... still no joy. Knowledge Base draws a blank. Any help greatly appreciated!
  2. Hi Poenald, thanks for the reply! The thing is, that upward arrow is used to represent the forward key throughout the instructions notecard, so it would be very confusing if it meant anything else here. I'll keep trying. If you like, give me a shout inworld and I'll tp you over so you can have a go on the board. Heck, I'll buy you one if you can help me figure out these moves! :-)
  3. Hi, I have a HP5 board, which I like immensely for its great animations and realistic physical feel, even though I can't get half of the moves in the instructions notecard to work. Unfortunately, my IMs to the maker were left unanswered (he's Brazilian, no idea how good his English is). Maybe someone here can give me a hint? The notecard describes a number of moves involving triple hits on the up arrow key: Quote:↑↑↑ + ← >>> beat left ↑↑↑ + → >>> beat right ↑↑↑ >>> Aerial ↑↑↑ + → + ↑↑↑ + ← >>> Cutback ↑↑↑ + ↓ + ← >>> radical beat left ↑↑↑ + ↓ + → >>> radical beat right So far I haven't been able to pull any of them off. Any ideas how to do it? Thanks -- Dylan
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