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Maeve Sandalwood

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Everything posted by Maeve Sandalwood

  1. Problem solved! In case anyone experiences stuff like this in the future, I discovered what it was by doing a character test. Since it was just happening to my avatar, it had to be something I was wearing. So, I noobed up. Yep, hair, skin, clothes and all. Straight from the library. Very scary! *giggle*. I put all my items back on one by one, and tp'd to the problem location after adding each item. The issue happened when I attached my Tokon hud. No one that was currently on in the Xcite group could think of what it was, so I just reset the whole hud, and it fixed the problem. Yay! Regular resetting of an item that is worn constantly is probably a good practice to get into!
  2. Tried all suggestions and still not fixed so the estate manage is filing a support ticket. I have rezzing and scripts turned off except for group members, push is disabled, and there are no objects or scripts on the parcel except for mine and my Masters. All my sculpts in the yard are phantom,and I had neighbors check for overhanging items, of which there were none. We even did a sim restart. The odd thing is that it ONLY happens to my avatar. I disalbed RLV because sometimes that can go wonky, and that wasn't the cause either. Very very odd! When I find out what it was I'll post the info in case it ever comes up again for anyone else. It's a stumper! Thanks again for the suggestions.
  3. Thank youf or the great suggestions/feedback. I will go hunt for objects and scripts now, and will have the sim owner disable them to see if it works. Thanks again!
  4. This situation doesn't fall under any of the drop down categories when trying to submit a support ticket, so I figured I'd ask here befoe having the sim owner get involved for technical support assistance. I own a 4096 size parcel in a private region, and for the past week or so, can not walk across the whole thing. If I am in my house, I am fine. If I exit the house and go down the stairs which puts me toward the center of the parcel, I get tossed into the water at the edge of the land. It's like what happens when you are ejected from somewhere, it just tosses you out. The strange thing is, this only happens on the land; if I am up on my sky platform which spans the entire size of my parcel, I can walk end to end without any problems. Friends can walk on the land without any issues, so it seems to just be my avatar. If I attempt to walk, or teleport to any area on one half of my parcel, I get tossed overboard. I have not rezzed anything that would cause this issue, and have not changed any viewer settings. I checked land objects and scripts, and the only items there are mine and my partners, so that rules out any griefer activity/scripts (I have settings so only group members can rezz anyway, so that's usually never an issue). I cleared cache and relogged , waited a few days, and the issue still persists. Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing something like this?
  5. Thank you both for the reply. Yes the folder was created outside the My Inventory folder . I have cleared cache, relogged, and tried different viewers. I thought about just upgrading, but really don't need a premium membership since I live on a private region. definitely something to consider though. I am going to contact the creator to see if it can be redlivered (and pray it goes to the right place). I still would like to get the old folder deleted though. Thanks again!!
  6. I am wondering if anyone has experienced this problem, and if so, how do you get it resolved: I made a purchase the other day and when the item was delivered to my inventory, the folder was sent to the level with the system folders. I can not wear the contents (option to wear is greyed out and not available), and the folder can not be moved or deleted. This happened once last year but I just ingored the problem and never mentioned it since the item was not really needed. Since this is the second time (and I really want the items!), I opened a support ticket, hoping I could get the new purchase moved to a useable folder, and the item from last year deleted out of my inventory. Their reply said my issue was not supported because I was not a premium member. I spend more money on Lindens in a month than what a premium account costs, and SL dumped the folder into the wrong place which I had no control over, but I can not get assistance with the issue because I don't have a premium account? Not a good way to keep me buying lindens and making purchases! Before I reopen the ticket they closed because my issue is not supported, I wanted to check here to make sure I covered all available options. I have only ever opened a ticket once in my entire 2.5 years as a SL resident because someone placed an item on my parcel and neither I or the estate owner could return it. I assumed this was a valid reason to open one. Haps not. Hmmpf. Thank you for any input/suggestions.
  7. Thanks for the advice Hitomi. I clear cache regularly but was not aware of the http textures, I will certainly do that. My pc meets all the requirements but I do think it still has a lot to do with my issues, so eventually I hope to have another one. Thanks again.
  8. I am excited to hear about the increased groups! Thank you! My biggest concern with SL in general is lag. In my two years it seems to get worse and worse as the months go by, so I really hope the new changes help with that. My experience will be so much more enjoyable if I can walk . All the features of the new viewers sound great, but in all honesty I have never used them because I really do not like the interface of the viewer. I wish there was a way to incorporate all the new stuff without having had to change the look so drastically. I have never posted here before but just wanted to add my two cents because I think a lot of people feel the same way - nice features but why change the design so much. Everything is so small and compacted and I just don't enjoy it. I use Imprudence, and although rezzing is terribly slow and I see grey people, I use it because it's familar and the same basic set up as 1.23. If all the viewers move to the new look/format and there is no other option that resembles the old viewer, I really dont' know if I will be in SL nearly as much because it's just too frustrating to get things done with the new viewer. Just my opinion/thoughts and I hope it's taken into consideration. Anyway, thanks for all the hard work and effort because I love my SL! Here's hoping for the best. P.S. I really hope the improvements work because it's sad to see so many people moving to other virtual communities due to issues like lag, not liking the new viewer, and much MUCH cheaper land tiers along with rediculous amounts of prims (hmm I still wonder about that. I dont think the grass is greener over there and once they get more people all those prims are gonna come back to bite them in the butt in the form of a lag monster). I have friends who left along with businesses. I'd like to see SL carry on for many years and continue to prosper but that's not gonna happen unless the people stay here.
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