This situation doesn't fall under any of the drop down categories when trying to submit a support ticket, so I figured I'd ask here befoe having the sim owner get involved for technical support assistance. I own a 4096 size parcel in a private region, and for the past week or so, can not walk across the whole thing. If I am in my house, I am fine. If I exit the house and go down the stairs which puts me toward the center of the parcel, I get tossed into the water at the edge of the land. It's like what happens when you are ejected from somewhere, it just tosses you out. The strange thing is, this only happens on the land; if I am up on my sky platform which spans the entire size of my parcel, I can walk end to end without any problems. Friends can walk on the land without any issues, so it seems to just be my avatar. If I attempt to walk, or teleport to any area on one half of my parcel, I get tossed overboard. I have not rezzed anything that would cause this issue, and have not changed any viewer settings. I checked land objects and scripts, and the only items there are mine and my partners, so that rules out any griefer activity/scripts (I have settings so only group members can rezz anyway, so that's usually never an issue). I cleared cache and relogged , waited a few days, and the issue still persists. Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing something like this?