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Dahlia Orfan

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Everything posted by Dahlia Orfan

  1. A warning for people who would like to use it : because of the displaynames, sometimes the first choice is not the good one. The scripts must be slightly modified.
  2. Thanks for the tip ; I did not know that the limit could be changed. That works very well now.
  3. Try http://search.secondlife.com/client_search.php?s=people&session=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&mat=7&q=rhys%20goode The advertisings are still there. Moreover, several answers are given, all avatars containing of course "Rhys". But there are possible workarounds.
  4. I get the empty strings for these avatars : Tulipe Naidoo, Rhys Goode
  5. There was a typo in the script. Yes it works but sometimes it is beyond 2048 characters unfortunately, there is a kind of advertising first. So your script returns the empty chain.
  6. That does not seem to work. The problem is the limit of body in http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) : 1024 or 2048 characters maximum. The information you want is beyond this limit; add llOwnerSay(body) just after http_response() to understand what i mean. That won't work either from outside SL for example in a google application because the google application will only have access to the contents rated "General". And some avatars have their profile rated Mature or even Adult.
  7. "only the person who opens a Jira is able to see i" I did not know that ; Im gonna open a new jira then.
  8. The numbers of these Jira please ? You said *four* jiras. I cannot find it. And of course it is not visible unless you are logged.
  9. Could you give a link towards this jira ? I cannot find them.
  10. This name2key service is still working because it stores UUID keys. And I hope that LindenLab will not block http://w-hat.com/name2key for the scripts inside SL indeed :matte-motes-not-entertained:. I ask the question because I don't know what to do. I have a few devices what I sell which are partially broken (they are still usable but not all features are 100% functional). I don't know whether I prepare an update for them by changing the URL, eventually by letting the user add themself an URL for example in a setting notecard, or I wait. Maybe it is only a network problem. That was the meaning of my question : does LindenLab definitely block all access to search.secondlife.com from outside SL. It was already blocked for inworld scripts (to avoid DoS attacks I think).
  11. It seems that all name2key services like http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Takat_Su/Name2Key are out of service. When I try the URL vwrsearch.secondlife.com/client_search.php?session=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&q=dahlia orfan, I don't get any answer. Does it mean that LindenLab blocked the access to vwrsearch.secondlife.com from outside as well ? It is already blocked from inside SL.
  12. This just blocks a uuid key. If the device is rerezzed, the uuid key is changed. I can add to my first post that I never bought anything from them. They got my name probably from a group I am a member (actually, I think I know which one). I don't want to give any hint about the identity of these m*rons because I don't want to advertise them. But I can say that the textures of their products are very poorly designed (I can do better myself even if I am not a professional).
  13. I am spammed by a store :matte-motes-zipped:, I wrote several times to the owners (a long time ago, several weeks ago), sent ARs to LindenLab, muted all avatars of the technical group managing the store (of course it is not possible to unsuscribe anywhere from their lists in the store). Nothing happened ; instead of that I received another group of spams from an avatar created by the owners of the store which was of course not on my mute list because the avatar was new and probably created on purpose ; same thing a second time (ARs, message to the owners) ; and that happened a third time today. So does LindenLab really care of removing from SL all spamers ? I could enable in the viewer "receive IM only from friends and groups" but I could not receive anymore the messages that my customers send me sometimes. And btw, reading another message in the forum, I did not receive any confirmation message either, so I don't even know if the ARs were received or not.
  14. Mine does exactly the same thing and it is free :-).
  15. There is a gate at my inworld store (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashuertus/17/240/2802) opening at a random location. It uses http://gridsurvey.com/. There is a HUD version, opening the world map at a random place, which can also fetch information about the current region and parcel where the wearer is. This is a group gift, I have rezzed a dispenser next to the gate delivering the very last version 1.1. If you get the HUD from the notice of the group, accept the update 1.1 when you wear it for the first time. Dahlia.
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