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Kayla Woodrunner

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Posts posted by Kayla Woodrunner

  1. On 8/14/2024 at 2:08 AM, Mistergeaunique said:

    Next thing allow your avatars to give away or sell old stuff, like a  yard sale, the creators of some of my old stuff, do not even rock with SL anymore, however, there are things just sitting in my inventory, I know there are avis that can use it. Set up a SL fea market. Yall already have free sims to shop at, how can one give away stuff

    You can give away or sell some of your stuff. Right click on whatever you want to give away or sell, if it has "transfer" clicked that means you can give it away or sell it. If it has "copy" also clicked, you will be giving away a copy and keeping the original. If it does not have "copy" clicked, you will be giving away the original and will no longer have a copy in your inventory.

    You sound a little new so the permissions an object can have is "modify", " copy" and "transfer". That affects what can happen to it once it leaves the creators' hands.

    The whole gacha economy was based on the "transfer", "no copy" properties of items. Gachas are called various other things now because gachas became illegal. Now you have to know what you are buying in the gacha machine so the surprise (illegal) element is gone. But people still give away gacha items to their friends and some of them are nice. People still sell gachas all the time. There are places catering to the "yard sale" of gachas. There are also freebie places where people put out freebie stuff for new folks. The freebie places can range from old-school prim stuff that have been given away for decades to new stuff but new stuff is rare.

    Some things you shouldn't sell but are ok to give away based on the creator's wishes but that gets hard to figure out once it's several generations past the original. Fapple does a cute dollhouse that you can win items free from letterboards  with transfer/no copy perms but they ask that you don't sell, only give away or trade. Generally speaking (and some people may disagree), if the creator gave it away for free and it's copy/transfer, I wouldn't sell it as is. Giving it away in your turn is usually ok. Some things have notecards stating the creators' conditions.


    To everyone else, I learned a lot reading some of the replies here. I finally found out the why of the orange cloud. It used to happen to me a lot but not since I got a computer with a nvidia graphics card last year. The card improved a lot of things in general. The better card wouldn't explain server side problems tho.

    It would be nice to go straight from orange cloud to fully clothed avatar and skip the naked stage with cyclop eyes on the back of the heads (lel evox heads not being rezzed yet). But since people do have cyclop eyes temporarily, I wonder if that means the classic (bom) clothes on mesh would rez at the same time as the mesh body so they wouldn't be naked on arrival. I don't know a good way to test this tho because if I see clothed people, I assume they arrived before I did.

    I also wonder if having jellybean on for other avatars, or having see "friends only" on in a busy sim, makes my avatar impact on entering a sim the same or if a graduated approach helps the server.  I know when I have see "friends only" on, I can dance in a busy club instead of being frozen but I don't know if it helps the sim or only me. Then I can change to see everybody and people start rezzing for me and it's not so bad.

  2. I did try cam smoothing and camera lag. I also tried putting on an invisible avatar alpha and walking. For short cams what works best is using my mouse and pushing scroll key but that is the one that results in the fast, slow, stop effect so doesn't work for long cams. I know long cams around a sim are possible but can't figure out how to get it smoothly. I used Alchemy viewer to make this if viewers make a difference. Normally I use firestorm but for filming i've changed to Alchemy because of the pbr.

    So is there anything else I can try for the long cams around a sim to smooth it out?

  3. What's the best way to do long sweeping camming that's controlled and a consistent speed?

    I am trying to improve my machinima skills but I am snagging on longer cams. What happens is  I start from a spot and go faster and then slow down and stop as I reach a spot and then go fast, slow down and stop again as I move from spot to spot so it gives a jerky effect. I'm ok with shorter cams. You can see what I mean in my video below. When I follow the railroad track, there is the fast slow, jerk, fast slow thing, jerk and repeat (i cut out the stops but didn't quite get it right). I can sorta cheat if it's a straight shot -- I go to the farthest point from me I want and then hit escape and the camera zooms back to me. I did that in my dragon video. What's the best way to do long sweeping camming that's controlled and a consistent speed?

    Putting my lastest video below as youtube and tiktok. The railway camming starts at 23 seconds I think. You can see the little jerks as I go down the track.

    I'm hoping what I learn from you all will make my next destination one smoother. They're the same video but tiktok is skinnier so the sides are cut off on tiktok. Edited first in PowerDirector to make the youtube. Then used the Youtube video in Openshot to make the Tiktok. I can control panning inside a frame easier in Openshot and it lets me bring in pngs with transparencies but PowerDirector is better at letting me control chromas. I'm experimenting with seeing which way the vids looks better. The main difference is I'm treating youtube like a blog in the description as i'm doing a one-a-weekend one-year machinima project to improve. Most people don't read the description. The blog part is more for me to track my improvements (crossing my fingers I improve). I've done machinima for awhile off and on but never improved as I do one or two and then go back to photoshoots. I put in vid styles because some people like skinny and some like the wider tv/movie formats.




  4. FYi Kayla Woodrunner was my original name but I go by Cayla Catz now and that's also the name I use on Flickr and Youtube.

    So this thread hasn't had an addition since 2019 so I doubt anyone will see this post but I'm hoping.  I think it's worth restarting the video sharing and supporting each other with likes/subs so that we can post our links and be supportive to people who do SL videos.  I think tho one of the biggest changes in the last 5 years is there's lots of places to do videos besides youtube so I'd suggest listing the forum like youtube : and then your video or movie; or tiktok: then your video or movie because I find some people like their forum and don't swap over much.  I'm kind of cyclical and currently I'm back to youtube.

    I've done machinima off and on for years but it's hard -- I'm more of a flickr photo person really as I do RL photography too -- photography comes much more naturally to me. As in RL, I find making videos in SL hard. I have difficulties knowing how to consistently cam and stuff so it's easier for me to do still shots. But I've decided I want to get better at creating videos so I'm doing a one year project of one video a weekend. I figure by the end of the year, I'll know how to cam smoothly and I won't be fixing things in edit all the time (one can hope).

    This is my first-week video below (kind of a cheat as I'd already made the video and posted it on flickr but I really wanted to get started instead of procrastinating so put it on youtube.). It's short 24 seconds.

    My 2nd week I made a pbr comparison -- not good and too long but I'll get better. This is my third week and I did a under-two-minute visit to an artistic sim -- my camming needs work but I think it came out ok.  I'm using a mouse so maybe I need to use a stick? I don't know as I see other people make smooth pannings and mine are jerky. Like I said I've done videos before, like my two dragon tiktok videos which I like, but I want to get better -- so I'm doing this one-year one-video one a weekend project.


    Anyways I think the idea of the thread is good of SL videomakers supporting each other through subbing.  And with more and more people making videos these days across various networks, it'll be cool to see what each other do


  5. Yes, I did upload to TikTok from my desktop using my web browser -- Firefox and my TikTok account. 

    I should add a caveat though.  TikTok has a huge library of music you can use.  The only way I could add music to my video from TikTok's library was to to upload through my phone. There is a step in the phone upload where you can choose and add music.  That step is missing in the desktop upload.   In my first dragon video, I had original music given to me by Winter Phoenix so I was able to add the music during video editing.  When you use your own music, voice or sound in the editing, you can upload directly from your desktop through a web browser on TikTok.   When you do this, TikTok will footnote that this sound is originally by you.

    The web browser upload does not have some features that the phone upload does like adding the music or adding many of the filters.

    My first dragon video I uploaded through the browser because I used Winter Phoenix's original song.

    My second dragon video I had to upload through the phone as I wanted to add music from TikTok (lovely - Billie Eilish & Khalid).

    If you are curious, this is my second dragon video uploaded by phone


  6. 1 minute ago, Kayla Woodrunner said:


    Using free OpenShot video editor:

    I made a TikTok SL video using the free opensource OpenShot video editor (https://www.openshot.org/) because it can output to the vertical format HD 1920 height x 1080 length which anyone that wants to do TikTok or Instagram may want.

    It's a little glitchy.  The longer I worked in it (and this is for a one minute short), the more staticy the sound was and the more  it seemed to be laggy or stuttery on viewing the video.  However when I output it, the sound and video was fine.  If you see my video, there are a couple places when the video jumps a little but that is my filming and editing and not the editor as I am still learning to do machinima and editing. OpenShot also seemed to save which was lucky because when it crashed I thought I lost everything but I didn't.  It allows a lot of layers which is great if you are layering sounds. 

    I had tried HitFilm Express free version but it won't output to a vertical format. HitFilm let me work in a vertical format because it lets me create a custom size but when it came to exporting that didn't work out as well.  It kept defaulting to one of the parameters HitFilm had which are all horizontal.  And when I uploaded to TikTok, it got shrunk into the vertical size so became tiny.  I'm going to redo that first one in OneShot.

    I couldn't find anything else free that would export to a vertical format.  Don't expect support on OpenShot but there is a forum I think.  I really liked how much bigger my video seemed on TikTok when I can work in a vertical format and output to the HD 1920x1080 so while there are issues with OpenShot, I like it better than a couple of the other free ones I tried as they only output to horizontal.

    My video is one minute.  If you have the time, go check it out and let me know what you think. I would appreciate it.  Music is by Winter Phoenix, another SL resident. There are a few people doing sl tiktok videos but I think it would be great if there were more of us:


    Curiousity killed the cat; Satisfaction brought him back.

  7. Hi,

    Using free OpenShot video editor:

    I made a TikTok SL video using the free opensource OpenShot video editor (https://www.openshot.org/) because it can output to the vertical format HD 1920 height x 1080 length which anyone that wants to do TikTok or Instagram may want.

    It's a little glitchy.  The longer I worked in it (and this is for a one minute short), the more staticy the sound was and the more  it seemed to be laggy or stuttery on viewing the video.  However when I output it, the sound and video was fine.  If you see my video, there are a couple places when the video jumps a little but that is my filming and editing and not the editor as I am still learning to do machinima and editing. OpenShot also seemed to save which was lucky because when it crashed I thought I lost everything but I didn't.  It allows a lot of layers which is great if you are layering sounds. 

    I had tried HitFilm Express free version but it won't output to a vertical format. HitFilm let me work in a vertical format because it lets me create a custom size but when it came to exporting that didn't work out as well.  It kept defaulting to one of the parameters HitFilm had which are all horizontal.  And when I uploaded to TikTok, it got shrunk into the vertical size so became tiny.  I'm going to redo that first one in OneShot.

    I couldn't find anything else free that would export to a vertical format.  Don't expect support on OpenShot but there is a forum I think.  I really liked how much bigger my video seemed on TikTok when I can work in a vertical format and output to the HD 1920x1080 so while there are issues with OpenShot, I like it better than a couple of the other free ones I tried as they only output to horizontal.

    My video is one minute.  If you have the time, go check it out and let me know what you think. I would appreciate it.  Music is by Winter Phoenix, another SL resident. There are a few people doing sl tiktok videos but I think it would be great if there were more of us:


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