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Krow Ames

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  1. LL is not liable for what residents do in world. If they were, the whole company would be locked up for the screwed up crap people do to each other.
  2. It isn't your item to dictate how it's sold. Make your own if you don't want to risk paying a content creator a few dollars for an item they made.
  3. Based on desire. Because the creator puts "RARE" on it does not mean it's the most desirable item in the gacha. If a kid wants the blue gumball rather than the red one, the blue one is now more valuable. So now we have to regulate the level of desire? This is absolutely absurd. You're reaching for straws to justify your hardline stance against gambling. How authoritarian of you.
  4. Why do you think someone else's addiction or where someone else spends their money is your concern?
  5. Lots of opinions here. The reality is, this change is unneeded unless your local grocery store is also going to get rid of their quarter machines in the front. It is exactly the same concept. Like it or not, gacha is huge. You are made aware before you ever spend money that you only have a chance to get one of the items. The only people that agree with this change are the ones that want items from gachas, but don't want to play the game. Content creators should absolutely make money for their hard work. They were taking a chance as well. The super cool rare item that's probably worth 500 or more? They're risking that you'll get it for a single 25L roll and be on your way. This change does nothing but limit people. It adds nothing and removes a choice. Let people be free and make their own choices on where to spend their money.
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