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Bruce Liebknecht

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Posts posted by Bruce Liebknecht

  1. I store agent UUIDs in my database and want to show the current agent legacy or display names on my website given the agent UUID. Is there a way to do this? I searched a lot but can't find a way. Thanks!

    I have found how to work around this problem by storing and updating agent's names in my database as well but it is very inefficient this way.

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  2. 45 minutes ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    This might be a silly question, but have you verified that the object in-world has been assigned a URL? And that the assigned URL is being pointed to by your PHP scripts?

    (Thinking this as URLs aren't permanent, which could explain breakage if a different URL is assigned)


    3 minutes ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    Yeah, I see that too but all of my in-world object using URLs are just fine, and I can still ping them even with fresh URLs. Might just be limited to requests on port :80 / 443, or requests not going to a specific simulator (i.e. no prefix)

    Thanks a lot! Problem solved! :D It was the secure vs insecure URL. When Hostgator stopped working for me I tried everything including I changed llRequestURL() to llRequestSecureURL(). When I moved to Bluehost things were not working either. Now I changed back to llRequestURL() and Bluehost works yay. :) OMG this was terribly frustrating. Thanks all for the discussion. It helped a lot.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    This might be a silly question, but have you verified that the object in-world has been assigned a URL? And that the assigned URL is being pointed to by your PHP scripts?

    (Thinking this as URLs aren't permanent, which could explain breakage if a different URL is assigned)

    yes, copied and pasted the URL for a test... multiple times

  4. 6 minutes ago, Bruce Liebknecht said:

    Yes, I tried the two examples linked in the other thread. Neither of them reaches my LSL scripts. The requests do not arrive. The same with curl. The example with fsockopen fails at fsockopen on port 12043. I had that port enabled for outgoing TCP.

    The hosting companies keep asking me what are the SL requirements for incoming HTTP requests. All I can tell them is open ports 12043, 12046 and enable curl.... That's why I wonder if there is anything else I am missing. Hostgator stopped working for me and they have no clue why. Now I tried dedicated server on Bluehost, doesn't work either...

  5. 8 minutes ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    Have you tried the other PHP example you mentioned from the Wiki on the other thread? That would at least give us a better idea of where the request is failing (failing at webhost, failing in transit, fail once it reaches LL, etc).

    Yes, I tried the two examples linked in the other thread. Neither of them reaches my LSL scripts. The requests do not arrive. The same with curl. The example with fsockopen fails at fsockopen on port 12043. I had that port enabled for outgoing TCP.

  6. I am transferring my PHP scripts (that send HTTP requests to SL) to another host. The new host has curl enabled and ports 12043 and 12046 for outgoing HTTP requests. Still my LSL scripts do not receive the HTTP requests. The same PHP and LSL scripts worked fine for years until last Wednesday. Are there any other requirements for the settings of the external server? Thanks!

  7. 3 hours ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    The chances are that your webhost may have disabled port 12043, you might want to file a ticket with them to confirm if that port is open for incoming data.

    Thanks! I've asked them and they have been working on it for hours now....... Is there any other PHP example out there I can try, for sending an HTTP request to SL?

  8. 1 minute ago, Bruce Liebknecht said:

    Thank you, Jenna! Do you mean that my web host has disabled HTTP requests on port 12043? This port 12043 comes from the SURL granted to my object in SL that receives the HTTP requests. The original address is https://simhost-00a87dc0fe6fa060a.agni.secondlife.io:12043/cap/8b3ebe81-2ecc-d90c-ec74-fae3689e91cf/

    The the function above takes the port 12043 from it and sends a request to ssl://simhost-00a87dc0fe6fa060a.agni.secondlife.io

    Or did LL firewalled something yesterday?

  9. 9 minutes ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    That indicates an issue with the remote server - The selected port (12043) is firewalled - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29745705/php-fsockopen-error-connection-refused111-try-to-connect-fingerprint-device

    Thank you, Jenna! Do you mean that my web host has disabled HTTP requests on port 12043? This port 12043 comes from the SURL granted to my object in SL that receives the HTTP requests. The original address is https://simhost-00a87dc0fe6fa060a.agni.secondlife.io:12043/cap/8b3ebe81-2ecc-d90c-ec74-fae3689e91cf/

    The function above takes the port 12043 from it and sends a request to ssl://simhost-00a87dc0fe6fa060a.agni.secondlife.io

  10. A little update. I replaced by curl request by the simpler request from the SL wiki:

    function Advanced_HTTP_Request($Host, $PostData = "")
     $Method = "POST";
     if (empty($PostData))
      {$Method = "GET";}
     $Port = 80;
     if (strtolower(substr($Host, 0, 5)) == "https")
      {$Port = 443;}
     $Host = explode("//", $Host, 2);
     if (count($Host) < 2)
      {$Host[1] = $Host[0];}
     $Host = explode("/", $Host[1], 2);
     if ($Port == 443)
      {$SSLAdd = "ssl://";}
     $Host[0] = explode(":", $Host[0]);
     if (count($Host[0]) > 1)
      $Port = $Host[0][1];
      $Host[0] = $Host[0][0];
      {$Host[0] = $Host[0][0];}
     $Socket = fsockopen($SSLAdd.$Host[0], $Port, $Dummy1, $Dummy2, 10);
     if ($Socket)
      fputs($Socket, "$Method /$Host[1] HTTP/1.1\r\n".
    				 "Host: $Host[0]\r\n".
    				 "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n".
    				 "User-Agent: Opera/9.01 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)\r\n".
    				 "Accept-Language: de-DE,de;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n".
    				 "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\n".
    				 "Content-length: ".strlen($PostData)."\r\n".
    				 "Connection: close\r\n".
      $Tme = time();
      while(!feof($Socket) && $Tme + 30 > time())
       {$Res = $Res.fgets($Socket, 256);}
     $Res = explode("\r\n\r\n", $Res, 2);
     return $Res[1];

    This is from https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_HTTP_server/examples. In this function fsockopen fails and the parameters it is called with are:

    $Host = ssl://simhost-00a87dc0fe6fa060a.agni.secondlife.io

    $Port = 12043

    $Dummy1 = 111

    $Dummy2 = Connection refused

  11. 45 minutes ago, Bruce Liebknecht said:

    Hi All, I have a system in which scripts in SL receive HTTP requests from PHP scripts outside SL. All has been working fine for years until yesterday when it suddenly stopped. My LSL scripts stopped receiving http requests sent to them. Is there something going on that I am not aware of?

    I should add, these are curl HTTP requests I am sending from outside.

  12. Today I bought something on the MP. For some reason, in my basket I had an old item of mine which is no longer listed. I did not pay attention, I hit pay and I did pay for both items. I was charged for my old non existing product and I was not refunded.

    My order history says that I bought my item from myself. It was undelivered and it was unpaid. BUT the money was withdrawn from my account.

    Who should I talk to about this? Where did the money go?

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