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Tez Yohkoh

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Everything posted by Tez Yohkoh

  1. I'd like to see them being copy/mod, not being able to drop a script into them sucks
  2. It only has to be copy/mod, it can still be no transfer. Its so amnoying they are so paranoid to make a bodys copy only..............
  3. Anyone know of a good Mod mesh body with basically everything features that is modable so I can drop scripts into it?
  4. Yeah but is going to break all scripted content too
  5. Tez Yohkoh


    Hi, I'm looking for catsuits in Latex/Spandex/Leather/Rubber/Whatever with damaged/torn/ripped versions in various colours or recoulorable, maybe a few stages the later stages being Adult exposure. Anyone seen anything like that in SL, I can't find anything in search or on the marketplace. Only found one Catsuit in black. On a sidenote anyone seen any fitted mesh catsuiits that can unzip to expose adult parts?
  6. Dec 27, 2010 8:16 AM Pattie Darkfold says: Wtf wrote this? I who? Well your tag says your name is Pattie Darkfold, sorry we can't help you any further than that, perhaps look for a handwritten tag inside your underwear?
  7. Will they fix the website bug so new residents can actually log in to their accounts, the JIRA and the forums, it's only been a month or so with no word from LL other than they "have a problem".
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