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Kiki Devin

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  1. How the times have changed=\ me and my partner have been together since my first week of sl and we are still together, in rl as well <3
  2. Why oh why are they still complaining? How is anyone going to impersonate anyone? It is obvious who is who the name over your head will look like this Kiki Hotshot Kiki.Devin So therefore your real name will be shown also.. do you people not get it???? How about LL makes it so we can hyphenate our names like Kiki Devin Hotshot?
  3. Jesus people need to get over the display names and someone possibly impersonating them. People.. your real name is right under the display name!!!! So how is anyone going to impersonate anyone? it would say Kristine Hotshot then under it Kiki.Devin.. get it now???
  4. the display names are no great feat, you can do the same by making a group and making a tag how about they make it so we can hyphenate our names with our partners last name? Now that would impress me
  5. why is is that when i login to viewer 2 or even the beta one now i am wearing all different clothes, shape, skin,hair ectt??? Things i have not worn in ages?? I will never ever use LL viewers again ever, this happens everytime cant LL get it together???
  6. well is build on? And when things get returned at all once they are in a colaced box ( like a broken box) so once you rez it they will all come out at once =( try going to a sandbox perhaps then take each one back in your inventory
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