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Erwin Solo

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Everything posted by Erwin Solo

  1. P.S. I recently started using Imprudence for my OPENSIM SIM. It has some nice features, like math in the edit box, but now my latest V2.8.1 beta added that also. I just don't understand this love of pie menus.
  2. I rather like Viewer2. I used to use Phoenix for search, but V2 improved that recently. I run Firestorm sometimes for the radar, but I'm not much of a voyeur--so radar is not something I need for every situation. Firestorm copies the V2 codebase, but stays a few versions back; so, I struggle to see why folks thing Firestorm is better. The viewer1 based pie menu and pop up menus look like software looked 10 years ago. I just don't understand all the wailing about Viewer2.
  3. On Adult mainland, there are Avatars that jump in wherever they see two or more Avatars close together. Thank goodness for security orbs. I have a favorite, made by a friend; I think he's probably #2 in security orb popularity. IM me inworld for references.
  4. Resizing my furniture would really mess up the couple poses. I'm not sure I would want my creator name on it if someone mucked with it.
  5. The process usually takes from two days to a month.
  6. My Marketing Professor said that in the history of humankind, we've never discarded a distribution method. He was addressing the question of whether Real World internet stores would replace Real World brick and mortar stores. I think the same applies to SL. That being said, I wish more vendors would offer demos through marketplace.
  7. But Governments can and do create (aka "print") money legally; Apple can't.
  8. P.S. Seller ALT reviews are much more prevalent than competitor ALT reviews. One has to buy the product through Marketplace to review it. The Seller may do this cheaply buying it at full price with an ALT, in which case the true cost is the 5% commission that Marketplace takes. Moreover, the Seller may mark the product down to L$0 for a few seconds, and then buy it with their ALT, and then give a positive review with the ALT--and in that case no commission is paid. So, the Seller may post ALT reviews for free. Competitors will often buy just one copy with their ALTs for competitive assessment, but that cost real L$--so they don’t repeat it to drive down the reviews.
  9. The featured items are paid advertisements. The reviews without words, are from an older system called XLStreet. If there are many good reviews without words, and no reviews with words, that means that the reviews are really old. The reviews with words are from the new Marketplace System. In both cases, please be aware that Sellers often use their ALTs to post glowing reviews. Also, competitors use their ALTs to post negative reviews. So, bottom line, the review system is generally untrustworthy. I don't mean the review system is worthless; I just mean "buyer beware." Occasionally, you will see a product with hundreds of positive reviews, many of which are recent; and hundreds of reviews are meaningful. If I only see a few reviews, I generally read them, but I factor in the fact that the positives may be by Seller ALTs and the negatives may be by Competitor ALTs.
  10. Yes, about the delay. Also, if it borders your land, and you submit a help ticket asking to buy it, they may sell it to you directly for L$1 per square meter.
  11. Have you thought about moving the hand in descrete steps--say every five seconds? That would be cool.
  12. Parhelion Palou wrote: A common cause is your voice is being retransmitted through the other person's microphone, especially if the person you're talking with is using speakers and a separate microphone rather than a headset. They won't hear the echo, but you will. Outstanding answer. You just can't voice with people who insist on using the microphone built into their notebook. Too much feedback of your voice from speakers-to-mic. Once you have the hardware side worked out, create a skype account for use with SL Skype has much more reliable voice.
  13. Two things I learned: * When shopping, use marketplace to filter by permissions. -- Sometimes you want a full permissions product, or at least a modifyable/copyable one, and that's how you find one. * Use Google to find opensource scripts. Just Google for the function name and add "Second Life" to the search field.
  14. I download every update. Occasionally there is a headache, but generally I find V2 gets better with every release.
  15. I personally like the V2 interface better, but Firestorm will let you have a pie menu. Firestorm even turns the silly pie menu on by default. Firestorm is trailing V2 by several releases; so, you won't get mesh capability as soon in Firestorm, but it beats those Viewer1 based systems anyday (unless you have a really old computer).
  16. Try turning off "Hardware Skinning". That helped me when I had this problem in V.2.7. The problem has gone away in V.2.8.1.
  17. I have the ATI Radeon 5770, and it does shadows just fine. Does slow things down a bit. So, I turn it off for exploring. To test, just set your graphics selection to Ultra.
  18. I really like the math-in-edit box in V2.8.1. Thanks!
  19. While I generally see the V2 Beta 2.8.1 that I'm running as a step forward, it is annoying that new landmarks don't show up right away.
  20. If you drop an F bomb in your profile, it will be rated Adult, which will provide some protection.
  21. SL seems to put a lot of emphasis on the new user. Many experienced users have figured out how to play the game for free, and don't like any change that might mess up their system. You have to follow the money.
  22. When I was new, the oldsters told me things like that just to mess with me. Not true.
  23. Weird things happen all the time. Maybe just working around it would consume less time than trying to fix it? It is probably just an issue of different server versions between the regions. Those get updated all the time. The ghosts you are chasing may vaporize before you can catch them.
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