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Erwin Solo

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Everything posted by Erwin Solo

  1. A lot of it is announced on the Linden Blogs. For example, Torley Linden's "Mesh Update: Part Deux" states: "Because we’re rolling out mesh-upload capability across the Main Grid over the next few weeks, mesh is not going to be available everywhere all at once. But, you can get a preview. Ready to try mesh? Here are a few steps ...." Also, as others mention, the server release notes provide info also, such as the magnum beta release notes.
  2. Simon Linden wrote: The hidden avatars feature (and the new control for gesture sounds) has already rolled to the main grid and all the RC channels. It should be available on any parcel, but you need to be the owner or have the group permissions to edit parcel settings. You'll need the 2.8 viewer or one based on the new code to change the settings. There is more information at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Hiding_avatars_and_restricting_avatar_sounds and it works at high altitudes too (tested it as such), not just ground-to-300m as do access permissions. I'm finding this very useful. Thank you.
  3. Void Singer wrote: and seriously? Prim Docker? rubbish bin with that mess... even for those that stink at math, align tool is so much nicer. I do find Prim.Docker to be useful for some things, particularly building large things outdoors. So, something better sounds very interesting. I'll have to take a second look.
  4. I love the performance when I run OPENSIM locally. Viewer performance is almost a non-issue when running OPENSIM locally.
  5. Phoenix a power user application? I thought it was for people with old computers and small monitors. My impression from listening from listening to chat in Phoenix/Firestorm help group is that the migrating Phoenix users are pretty limited in their skills. For builders, there are tools like Prim.Docker.
  6. I have a great pirate outfit from Halloween. I'll just scoop a wench and be right over.
  7. Cool. I've had two clubs. I like going to them better than owning them. Be sure to pay the L$30 to let us search for the name.
  8. TOS can only lead to a ban of your Avi, and any Alts they can correlate by emai/payment, etc. Law and Lawsuits should be the principle concern.
  9. Its a big mess. SL needs to standardize their aspect ratios.
  10. 4x4 = 16 square meters is the minimum plot. If you have an irregular shaped "sawtooth" border, like road-side or water-side, you may need to subdivide the saw-teeth and then rejoin to split a larger parcel with a shared sawtooth border.
  11. The web profiles are slower, but I suppose they can run off a different server and not load the inworld resources. Maybe its okay. I just don't like that the default was initially set at public-view. Bad. Very bad.
  12. I got a one star over the doors on the L$1 castle I had for sale not opening, and it quit selling. So, I dropped it to L$0 and now its selling fine. Well over a hundred sold. No one else has had any problem. The doors do open. One must actually have rights to run scripts on the land. I guess it wasn't good for squatters. I didn't know they could change their ratings. Silly me. It just seemed so absurd: "doors don't work." Ha! I'll never miss the forgone Linden.
  13. My mainland Adult quarter-SIM over in Zindra took a big performance hit over the last month. I don't use the [OO] meter; I use Conover's; so, our numbers are not directly comparable. Still; its been a big change. Most of the rest of my mainland Adult SIM is empty, being up for sale by a realtor. So, I am wondering if LL has started virtualizing their servers. I'm getting performance bleed-over from clubs a couple of SIMs away.
  14. I can't say specifically. What I can say is that I got the ATI Radeon 5770 when it was very new. It wasn't on SL's supported list, but it worked fine. Eventually, Viewer2 started recognizing it. Later still, Emerald (Phoenix by then) caught up too.
  15. Firestorm has radar. V2 doesn't. Firestorm supports a pie-menu. V2 doesn't (though that's not loss in my view). Firestorm allows people who swore they would never use V2 a way to not have to eat their words. Otherwise, Firestorme just uses the V2 code base and stays a few revisions behind V2.
  16. I'm rather happy with V2.8.0 and beta V2.8.1. Go figure.
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