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Danno Spiegelblatt

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Everything posted by Danno Spiegelblatt

  1. Needing to purchase full sim..contact inworld or at gotlogos (at) gmail(dot)com...will get back to you right away, especially at email address.
  2. I thought the 1000 always covered first month, two people in support, who I am sure are misinformed, are trying to insist it is 1295. But at checkout it only says to make sure 1000 is available. One of the support people at first said, 1000, then 295 collected on next billing cycle. Then she backtracked. With somethign this important I am astounded they can't get it straight speaking directly to LL chat support.
  3. sorry--leaving this to check the email button...ignore
  4. Is this still for sale?
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