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Ouchie Dumpling

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Everything posted by Ouchie Dumpling

  1. The Best Selling sorting now looks like it's the best sellers over the last 30 days. Is it possible to implement different sorting time periods? Like last 24 hrs, last week, last month, 6 months, one year, all time? Would be helpful I think!
  2. Fifteen years ago, I went online with a group of friends to try out this new, strange "virtual world" called Second Life. Imagine a "video game" with no goal, no points, no rules on how to play. Just log in and... exist. We had a HILARIOUS time "getting high" and chasing each other around in weird, crazy places. For most of us, it was not really anything beyond a place to goof around with friends occasionally when we were tired of shooting each other in Unreal Tournament. For a small few of us, it became a lot more. It was a place that transcended physical distance and allowed friends and lovers to "be close" and share time and experiences with each other. It rapidly became an integral part of my life. I fell in love with someone in a way that I didn't think was possible and which many of you reading this probably still think is impossible. But even more, I fell in love with this "place." It is so much more than a "video game." It's a place where you can choose what experiences you want, surround yourself with what enriches and excites you, socialize and explore when the constraints of real life prohibit you from doing so. Yes, Second Life is still "a thing" and yes, I still am there. Over the last 15 years I've been a landlord, a homeless wanderer, a burlesque dancer, a swanky ornament in a vintage jazz ballroom, and now a blogger for a Second Life shopping website that gets over 2 million page views a month! And there have been times these past 15 years when I wasn't in it very much at all, but I still always had that pull. I still always thought about the possibilities, great things, and beautiful people that are still there. The pandemic forced social isolation on us all, and during that time I felt that pull again to go back to Second Life and rededicate myself to the things that initially lured me in. And that is where I am today. In between doing my real life "job" of taking care of my kids and my mom, I can sit at my computer and "escape" for a while. I can meet with friends, see beautiful places, decorate my house, and do some serious shopping with what I earn from my blogging job. It's been a hell of a ride and here's to 15 more years! All the talk about Facebook's Metaverse is nothing compared to what Second Life has done and is STILL doing. Love, OD
  3. My rez day was November 2007, so we're almost the same age @Strawberry Singh! This is a collage I made with all my former versions. Ouchie has been my one and only in all that time. She's definitely a part of me! And I've tried to make her always look similar, just improved with each iteration. The November 2021 version is actually earlier. I messed up that date, but I'm too lazy to fix it lol! Here's to another 15 years!
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