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Parrish Ashbourne

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Everything posted by Parrish Ashbourne

  1. It's likely LL trying to protect them self from US law. Gambling was a huge part of the SL economy before it was banned, with the new tax requirements for virtual currencies it's likely LL had to do more to protect them self. One of the people I rent land from, said she lost 50,000 $USD in lost rent just from casinos leaving SL after the ban. With all the Sex and violence in SL I see no moral reason why LL woulden't want to make $ from letting people gamble. The problem from what I understand isen't gambling it's self, but the crazy regulations for the handling of the $ transactions for the service provider, like LL has to deal with.
  2. SID Riler wrote: well SL has all the dance card full with Oculus Rift, so I do not think there will be new projects in this old SL, and the new one, if they did what you want, the stages thing that sounds more like a Play station than Second life, as most of us think of it as a comunity I do not think putting limits as to where you can enter would work, but, you never know SL all ready has a Project viewer for the Oculus Rift, and is still working on improving SL. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Q-amp-A-meeting-with-Oz-and-Pete-linden/td-p/2766954 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  3. There are lots of web based products and services in SL, The secondlife market place was started as a third party website that LL bought out. There are all so several inworld tools for making sculpt maps, and animation that send information to the web to process and then deliver the final product. A lot of the games, and breadables in SL use external databases. If you come up with the right idea and can make it happen, there's likely more $ in that then just doing web development for hire , unless you find SL work with a RL business, school, or one of the large land Barron.
  4. if you own the region try doing a region restart. world-region details-debug-restart region
  5. the event was skin fair most likely, their blog might help you find the store store it 's from. http://skinfair.wordpress.com/
  6. My first thought before even reading your post was it won't work, they tried building a Virtual Utopia for humans in the Matrix and the human mind rejected it. But after reading what you wrote it's obvious that the machines were not thinking like you, may be there is hope for a Virtual Utopia . I'd like to take your approach one step further I'd like the option to render all other avatars as female.
  7. do as Lindal said to get it removed, the reason you all so might want to set the land to group access is that even after the destination guide is removed you will still get people who have old land marks stopping by. If you don't want to set the land to group access an other option if people are teleporting inside your house, you could set a teleport location in the about land tools out side your house that way people with old land marks will be directed to that location.
  8. Parhelion Palou wrote: Chronometria wrote: A lot depends on the land barons and what they do. If the larger barons make the leap to the new second life, then they will likely abandon their holdings in the old one, so that they are not in direct competition with themselves. It will become in their interest for second life to shut down, so that their customers move with them. If the new platform is popular, then the barons will have to move anyway, triggering the above process. Basically, once a decent new version of second life appears, the old one will die pretty fast. Why would land barons abandon their holdings in SL as long as they're making money? They're not in competition with themselves by having land in both worlds -- they can potentially make money in both. The time to leave is when they stop making a profit. Add to that, this could be good for land barrons, people may feel safer renting then buying new land now that the news of the new platform is out.
  9. madjim wrote: Parrish Ashbourne wrote: LL chose option C do both, they are working on a next generation platform separate from SL, and are continuing to develop SL with no plans to shut it down. They have actually aid they will shut it down as soon as it becomes unprofitable. Which is likely to be sooner rather than later as the SL economy shrinks. As users gradually work out that they are buying stuff which will be useless in SL2. They are already taking steps to keep it profitable by considerably reducing the number of developers working on it. Father "which means that even less will get done on it than before" Jim SL was profitable in 2006 to get down to that level of land again would be around a 90% decrease, I don't see that happening for years. I think one scenario that most people who are in SL only, don't think about is that some people will chose to use both platforms, as many people already do with SL, inworlds, kitely, and the other open sims. I'm active in several worlds I don't see this as a replacement of SL but an expansion of places I can go. For people who own a lot of inventory in SL why give it up? For merchants why sell in only one market. For DJ's why not DJ at a club on both platforms at the same time and have a larger audience, for some one with a nice big house in SL keep your house in SL and go visit the new platform or even get a second vacation home there. No where in the Q&A with OZ does he say that LL has considerably reducing the number of developers working on SL. Reduced yes but to the level OZ thought would be effective, add to that that he can still get more resources as need for bigger projects, and that work on the new platform has all ready been used for SL. Considering this shift has all ready happened and they have still been able to keep updating SL should be a good sign. I all so liked that OZ and his whole development team are working on SL by choice. Oz has a good relation ship with the TPVs and the next generation platform will not be open source to start, so that leaves a good opportunity for TVPs to keep improving their SL viewers. Many people are more loyal to their viewer of choice then they are to a platform, some people will stay in SL just because of that.
  10. LL chose option C do both, they are working on a next generation platform seprate fom SL, and are continuing to develop SL with no plans to shut it down. The best infromation on what LL is doing with SL can be found here: The recording of the Phoenix Firestorm Q&A meeting with Oz and Pete linden is now available. http://www.firestormviewer.org/ The next generation platform sounds like it's taking the revolutionary approach while SL is more evolutionary, but all ready some of the work on the next generation platform is finding it's way back in to SL. The new platform is so early in development, other then the news articles from last week and Ebbe's comments in the forums and at the last TVP meeting, every thing is pretty much just speculation at this point. I think LL having both platforms will be good. To keep competitive they need the next generation platform, and keeping SL with all it's content is equally important. I see a future where many people will enjoy the best of both worlds for many years to come.
  11. If the object lock is not work correctly then file a bug report, if you have any evidence it was someone stealing content then report them, if you find them suspicious and don't have any evidence, it's with in your rights to eject and or ban the from you land.
  12. Wow, that just lowered the entry cost of using SL by a few hundred $
  13. if your buying free items the final buy button is on the bottom of the page of adds that appears after check out page.
  14. here's a link the the destination guide that list several of the places mentioned above. If your inworld you can click on the links in the destination guide and get a teleport to the location. https://secondlife.com/destinations/howto
  15. here are some links to help with learning the build tools http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Edit_window#Edit_Tool or inworld visit the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives http://secondlife.com/destination/ivory-tower-library-of-primatives
  16. try looking in the land section of the forums or doing a search inworld. If your into steampunk look around New Babbage I know there are several apartments buildings there. If your looking for land to put a house on for that price the size lot your looking at will be ether 512 or 1024 SQ meters, knowing that will help make searching easier.
  17. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Orange-Cloud/m-p/2417339#M13193
  18. This is starting to look more like a marketing campaign then a leek, interesting that Ebbe started talking about SL2 at the TPV meeting when asked about promoting SL. only time will tell but his could be the best thing that has happened to SL in a long time. http://www.engadget.com/2014/06/27/second-life-social-network-for-virtual-reality/ http://www.polygon.com/2014/6/23/5834742/second-life-studio-working-on-a-spiritual-sequel http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/06/23/linden-lab-confirms-new-virtual-world-incompatible-with-seco... http://thenextweb.com/dd/2014/06/24/linden-labs-building-new-second-life-scratch-woo-new-users/ http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/24/second-life-oculus-rift-virtual-world http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/219609/Linden_Lab_is_building_a_spiritual_sequel_to_Second_Life.p... http://www.itpro.co.uk/networking/22553/second-life-sequel-in-development http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2014/06/24/second-life-successor-in-development/1 http://segmentnext.com/2014/06/23/second-life-getting-second-uh-life/
  19. might be good to resend it listed as a roll back just to be safe I think there's a time limit on when they can do that.
  20. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Parrish Ashbourne wrote: coke classic was one of the biggest marketing success stories ever, may be SL will out do SL2 with the right marketing, I like SL legacy better sounds more Tron like, or how about the SL Matrix I'm not sure Coke Classic is the best analogy. It was, after all, the emergency response to the debacle that was "New Coke". ;-). I think the debacle here is the all the people spreading panic over some thing that should be good news, I like the idea of NewSL and Classic SL or what ever you want call it, just thinking it would be nice if the was some as simple as a name change to turn things around.
  21. Of course sales are down, and merchants have stopped building new items, every one is to busy reading the forums.
  22. WickedWanda1956 wrote: Hi Phil, I really hope you are right about it all. I saw nothing in the past three days that was good in my opinion. I have started to back track myself and said spending a little money (but I don't see myself renting again but I was leaning that way before last week anyway). I have a couple of places (non-business) I like to go to now and if they suddenly close, I might have to rethink staying. I don't see why people would have a fear of renting, buying new land yes but renting, you could rent up the the day SL closes 20 years from now and not lose any $ like you would if you owned land. This should actuallly be good for the land barrons right now who rent land. If you all ready own land for personaly use then why not keep using it. Say you have an expensive house in SL you love even when SL2 comes out thers nothing saying you have to leave it, just like in RL you can have a house you normaly live in and buy a sceond vacation house some place else, or even just go on vacation with out buying a sceond house. I work in SL I have land in kitely and visit friends in SL and inworldz, and I've given up noting any where to do so. SL2 will just an other gird I plan to visit and may be build a 3rd home there some day.
  23. Sassy Romano wrote: Thank you! That's insane, retarded, anyone could have seen that could never scale. Sometimes you do have to bang your head against a wall and just rock bank and forth. (I should have added earlier, that even better would have been for group chat to subscibe to a multicast address rather than necessarily use each clients IP address). Whatver, from that video it's clear that SL wasn't designed by infrastructure architects! Makes you wonder if Philip Rosedale thought it would be easier to start a new company then fix SL Sassy I think you understand whats going on now, and probably could haveeven prevented it, but for all the people that keep asking why's it's so hard to fix some thing a simple as chat, this isen't a chat issue it's in the core structure of SL, none of the people that caused this problem even work at are at LL any more, I feel bad for the people that inherited this problem. The simple fix would be time machine.
  24. Sassy Romano wrote: Parrish Ashbourne wrote: groups would be easy to fix if chat groups were not attached to land groups, an other part of the problems is the the servers have to locate even one in the group to send the massages to, and people don't just stand in one place all day in SL in the same sim. Not every one in the group is all ways chatting, the other may be running around or teleporting, the chat servers probably have a really hard time locating some one mid teleport, or at sim crossing. IF this is indeed the way it works, that the chat server has to relay the message to everyone via the region that they're in then that would be a woefully bad architecture since as you say, the current region would have to be found, this makes no sense as a design. All the chat server has to know is their IP address which will be static across SL sessions and any group membership such that an incoming message would basically be "get the data set of IP addresses of users in this group and send message <msg>". I can't think for a moment that what you suggested would be the way that LL implemented it but then... they've done some pretty brain dead stuff in other places so who knows. I don't know anything about the actual implementation of the group chat protocol but it's possibly more likely a volume issue that is constantly reached, finding a bottleneck. I'm not smoking crack, start listing at 1:42 into the video, any one interest in group chat should see this. The teleport theory is how ever mine, but seam reasonable if they have to locat the avatar.
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