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Audra Siemens

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Everything posted by Audra Siemens

  1. After reading that I'm more confused that I ever was, and still showing no inventory - my synch button hates me I've beat it up so much, all of my inventory items on the new Marketplace are red because my xstreet box inventory is showing as EMPTY on the old marketplace. I've tried to update, synch, force it, beat it.. its still showing as empty.. My simple question now is.. How can I get a magic box inventory (which is clearly in the box when I check the contents tab of the physical thing in-world) to update its inventory to the old marketplace inventory which appears to be the "Chinese Telephone" paste together for the "Redo" of the current marketplace. Migration is on, but it can't migrate to the new Marketplace if the old xstreet website shows that I have nothing in my Magic Box inventory, which.. I clearly do.. Reset the box? Check. Forced a box update? Check. Synched the new Marketplace? Check. Deleted unlisted items? Check. Completely baffled, a little panicy and very very frustrated? Check. :matte-motes-bashful:
  2. This morning I took a lot of old items out of my marketplace magic box and unlisted the items that I had made. I synched the box via the website, but everything is still showing. The products that I had made and unlisted are there, along with an inventory number that's much more than I actually have in my inventory. Its not a big deal, but was just hoping to make things a bit easier to manage and "neater" I guess. Is there any way to have the box fully synch with my online interface? EDIT: Also.. two of my items are NOT listed in my marketplace inventory, but are clearly in the box... O.o Thanks forum peeps! Edit #2 - I went to the old marketplace and forced my box to update.. which did nothing. So then I went to the marketplace and made sure I had the most up to date xstreet box. I didn't, so I removed the old box, loaded all of my current inventory into an updated box, removed the box from the old xstreet listing, and then updated. Now, i have no inventory on the old marketplace, a bunch of disassociated listings on the new marketplace, a box that just blinks at me from time to time, and a big mess... Do I just wait and hope that it will eventually refresh? It says "It will take about two minutes" but.. nothing is really ever changing... Anyone have any tips?
  3. That happens to me sometimes and usually a clear cache and increasing the bandwidth on my Second LIfe fixes the issue. Both can be found in your ME and Preferences Menu at the top of your Second Life window. Good luck!
  4. I was all prepped to come in with my tips and tricks, but the link that was shared above, is pretty much perfect. Try all those steps and at the very least one of them should work. Good luck!!!
  5. I don't agree with your assessment of DJs not being events and Live Singers being an event. I guess I classify an event being "something that someone has set up where a live person will actually be there representing the place" - So.. An art gallery opening A club event where a "live DJ" will be playing. A 'concert" by a live singer. A poetry reading A movie showing that has a host Sadly, this does not include "We're having a huge sale, come by and buy something from me in a store without any people or interaction other than monetary". Also, camping to me is a double edged sword.. I like the increased traffic it would bring to my own place (if I had campers, but I don't), and I like sitting and sorting my inventory or making notecards or doing other boring stuff while waiting to win something that I really like (I may be a little cheap...) But, I agree that it gets abused A lot.
  6. You may have adjusted your water settings under your Enviroment settings. Sky is frequently adjusted when moving from one sim to another, perhaps you went a location that adjusted your water settings as well?
  7. Hey there! Welcome to Second Life and the SL Forums! I'd be happy to show you the ropes - and another decent place to look for quick help is Youtube. They have some pretty swank tutorials. Feel free to message me in world though, and I'll pop you an add to make it a bit easier. First step though, is to get into advanced mode. And that's all I have for now. The learning curve is very steep, try not to get discouraged. Aaaand.. Good luck!
  8. I've had some success with using the Rainbow Viewer which is slightly optimized for netbooks and their lower graphic capacity etc. Its not on the official list, so use at your own risk and all that junk. You can find the program and installation instructions here : http://my.opera.com/boylane/blog/
  9. I vote not crazy, but perhaps interesting So.. good on ya!
  10. Ariel Vuissent wrote: I would resend it ONCE. In person, so you know you're in the same sim and nothing should go wrong. After that, no more. If they happen to have modified it and goofed, and can't fix it, you can always request that they send the damaged item back. That way, you know they're not just collecting extra copies - you have the "broken" one in your own inventory before you send a new copy. I've seen many merchants who do things this way. I know one furniture merchant who states this in their store policy. I think that's a great idea Ariel! I also agree that sending the item again would be ok, likely one time. If you notice if people continue to ask for items again and again (and trust me, you'll notice if it happens), then politely explain that unfortunately, as the item is no copy, and they've already asked for a replacement, they're not eligible for another one. Its polite, to the point, and lets them know that, while you're nice, you're not a complete pushover. Good luck!
  11. Sent it to you in world. Twice.
  12. if you have Omni 5.0 - typing "list" in local will give you a notecard with a command list.
  13. It really really really depends on the make of the stroller and baby.. The Zooby babies have script options that allow you to add them to the zooby made strollers, cribs, high chairs etc.. The babies are NO COPY so you have to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS on how to add them to the appropriate item. Other babies work differently, but shouldn't really take rocket science to figure out. All those accessory items should come with instructions. If not, you may want to go back to the store to see if they have instructions available. Hope that helps!
  14. It really depends on the baby and the stroller.. what type are they?
  15. Venus Petrov wrote: Audra Siemens wrote: I googled her and saw the basics. Pretty much a young girl skin. Actually, I googled her too but I would like the OP to learn to post examples of what it is she is looking for. Do not make us do her work. Sadly, it probably took you longer to post your reply than to google her, but c'est la vie. That was excellent brute force teaching. Carry on then.
  16. I know, but currently its better than the NOTHING alternative that LL would like to provide.. where does their meeellions of dollars go?? Not on a dynamic report specialist.. that's for sure...
  17. I sort of feel your pain on that one - the reports can get rather long and "I just want to organize it differently!" goes through my brain a lot.. or.. I just want to see.. blah blah.. I getcha. My work around for this sadly, is to download the CSV and then format whatever the way I'd like. that includes sorting by person and/or product. To get there, I go to "Reports>Orders" and the CSV linky thingy is on the right. Again, I understand the rant, and I just hope this helps while LL is "tweaking" their new rip off.. uh.. I mean.. the Marketplace.
  18. Your best bet here would be to market yourself instead of a vague "I'd really like to have a job, but don't really have any skills" path. Things potential employers might like to know: What do you like to do in SL? Are you social? Do you have a good grasp of the English language, or do you speak/type/understand any other language? Do you have any marketable skills outside of SL (that may or may not be useful inside SL?) such as graphics, analytics, scripting, marketing, human resources, management etc etc.. How old is your avi and do you come online often? What are your most likely times to log into SL? For instance: I just joined SL, but I love fixing up my avi. On SL I love to go to clubs and my friends and I have a blast! I'm online almost every day and I'm in the Eastern Time Zone. I'm in univeristy though, so I'm not online unti <insert time here> I'm not sure what I'd like to do in SL, but I'm very enthusastic about the platform and I'm a really fast learner. I speak English and Spanish fluently and I'm beginning to feel out role play. In RL I'm majoring in business and I'd be interested in something in that area. If you have anything that you think I may be able to help you with, please let me know via Instant Message in world! And before anyone comments, yes, sometimes job getting is a bit like asking someone out on a first date. Just some helpful tips. Good Luck in your search!
  19. Raven1 Short wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: Anyways, yellow juice? Where are you getting these substances! Put it in a shaker add a little ice a little bourbon - shake away. I'll drink it. PS I just went for my annual urine test at work; I donated an olive. An olive? As in a martini-related olive?
  20. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Ohhhh, I thought opaque was the opposite of translucent. As in: Not able to be seen through; not transparent. It is entirely likely that you are correct... but I am too lazy to check.. in either case, I can find examples of opaque or translucent (not see through, see through) sippy cups/ glasses/whatnot - so.. my question only half doesn't make sense with that mix up!
  21. Taaahdaaah! Yellow, opaque sippy cup... this one actually has yellow juice in it tho.. but imagine if it were water it just looks... ew.. but then.. my mind is obviously twisted and bent...
  22. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Audra Siemens wrote: Am I the only one who notices that anything in a yellow opaque glass/cup is just a bad idea? Discuss. I actually found it very difficult to imagine what a yellow opaque glass or cup might look like. Googling Yellow Opaque Glass only confused me more. The closest I have been able to visualize so far is a yellow plastic party cup, the kind that are usually red, but it's still early here and it is Friday! So my imagination will be much better later. My answer is: what is perchance. What made me think of it is that my daughters have various coloured, see through, plastic "Sippy cups" - one of the colours being a rather urine looking yellow.. I just thought the colour odd for a glass or cup.. but then I suppose a lot of different colours would be odd when thought about in my current "wow that's odd' frame of mind!
  23. If the items are mod, you can right click on them and select "Edit" - then on the general tab, you can select the drop down at the very bottom and change it from "buy on touch" to "default touch". - you may need to select the checkbox for "Edit linked parts" and then click on the plant. If you're unable to do this, you may want to contact the creator and ask them to do it for you. Besides that, they'd probably like to know about the glitch because other customers would be having the same problem as you Good luck!
  24. Deltango Vale wrote: Well, anything in a yellow, opaque, glass D-cup is probably a bad idea. Me, I prefer things in oyster-grey, satin B-cups. Thank you for taking that someplace my brain did not jump to! Also.. I spit coffee laughing.. my monitor has a hate on for you now...
  25. Storm Clarence wrote: Audra Siemens wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Audra Siemens wrote: Ok thanks. Glad to know my insane diagnosis was not wasted! I will make you a deal. You stay out of my psychosis and I will stay out of yours. But... yours is likely more interesting than mine... and if I'm watching over your shoulder, I'm not so lonely! OK you asked for it. I have spent a life time trying to get 'into' dresses. I have spent the past four months trying to get out of the pink one I'm wearing. And you know what I thought when I read that? "Ooh.. pink.."
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