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Griffin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Griffin Ceawlin

  1. You're actually supposed to register with your real age. If you had, you wouldn't be left guessing. 4.1 You must establish an account to use certain aspects of the Service, using true and accurate registration information. Except for certain Linden Software or portions of the Websites which Linden Lab allows users to access without registration, you must establish an Account with Linden Lab to use the Service. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form ("Registration Data")...
  2. There's nothing "shady" about it. People cash out every. single. day. The only thing I can think of is... The minimum process-credit amount allowed is $10, plus any fees. The maximum amount per transaction is $9,999 minus fees. (The exception being if you are closing your account, where the $10 minimum does not apply.) If you continue to have issues, perhaps you should submit a support ticket.
  3. Are you saying that this link is dead (for you)? Griffin Ceawlin wrote: What you want to do is process credit. <<<<<<Click here. That link also appears on the Knowledge Base page that I linked to (in the Process credit (withdrawal) section). Are you saying that link is also dead (for you)? (I suspect you're not seeing the links.)
  4. Kuux wrote: Meanwhile, I can't for the life of me find the way to get my money transfered from SL USD to my paypal account. What you want to do is process credit. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015#Section_.2.2
  5. Read the sentence immediately before your Monthly Limits: "Days" in the New Resident limits description refers to days since first billing transaction with Linden Lab. Just buy some L$s (doesn't have to be a lot) and the clock will start ticking.
  6. I guess you must have found those missing buttons when you pressed this one, then:
  7. *looks around and wonders why people are still posting nonsense to this thread two+ years later*
  8. LOL. Just be glad I'm not a nurse. I get to fill syringes every day for someone who's too lazy to do it himself. I thought I was dispensing 24ccs (bear in mind also that the metric system is not in common usage here) of insulin every day when really it's 24 "units" which is 2.4/10ths of a cc. And I thought... "Really? 10ccs? That's the average?" I even asked him if 10 units was 10ccs and he said it was (good thing he's not a nurse, either). Anyway... 10ccs still seems low... I'd attach a pic (illustrating what 10 units looks like) but my phone won't allow. ETA: Sooo... my "volume" is (significantly) more than 100 units.
  9. 10ccs?!! That doesn't seem like very much... In fact, I would venture to say that my "volume" is closer to 100. ETA: Or more! ETA II: Definitely more!
  10. LlazarusLlong wrote: I heard they downgraded the OBR celebrations in sympathy with the Greeks having to drain Lake Ouzo as part of the austerity measures enforced on them by those germanic types who lent them the money to construct the Moussaka Damn in the first place. Next up, the Spaghetti Forest will have to be cut down as it does not contribute to the fight against global warming climate change, and Sicily will be booted out of Italy LOL.
  11. TDD123 wrote: Void was under the impression her reputation would invoke a response. It was left unheard. And you know that she was operating under what impression... how, exactly? Are you a mind reader, too? Because even with my own amazing psychic ability... Now please excuse me. I have inworld obligations now and I'm leaving this thread. Buh-bye.
  12. TDD123 wrote: Void stood up against the system, because she knew the system left and owed her nothing. FIFY.
  13. Rights? You mean entitlements? And remember: it matters not how right or wrong that policy was...
  14. TDD123 wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Imagine if Rosa Parks had gotten over her own "sense of entitlement" and "moved on." You equate Void Singer to Rosa Parks ? :robotindifferent: Not really, no. Just imagine, though. There she was, riding on a bus covered by a specific policy - and it matters not how right or wrong that policy was - and a huge "temper tantrum" ensued when said policy was enforced. To her credit, though - she's at least not one of the ones constantly throwing temper tantrums over it now.
  15. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Someone threw a temper trantrum when policy was enforced against them - and it matters not how rightly or wrongly that was, then demanded a public apology, never got it, and left. Such demand somewhat demonstrates why the place is better without such characters. Adults need to get over their own senses of entitlement and move on when things like that occur. To this person's credit - they at least are not one of the ones constantly throwing temper trantrums over it now. Holy **bleep**, Batman. Imagine if Rosa Parks had gotten over her own "sense of entitlement" and "moved on."
  16. Darrius Gothly wrote: In my opinion the moderation that caused the permanent loss of Void and many others of her class was based on people that were initially trolls, told to behave like trolls .. and given the full weight of authority to do as they pleased. And kept totally hidden so that nothing they did could ever be used to help better their performance. It was worse than a Chicago Mob from the 1920's. It sounds as if you're speaking of the infamous Gang of Forum Thugs (aka Gang of Cutthroat Abusers aka Gang of Forum Bullies) who were given a "hit list" by a certain mod who instructed them to target the people on said list? Within the first day it became painfully clear who were trolls and who were top-notch thinkers, posters, contributors and participants. And I'm guessing that you probably would class the delusional paranoiac who dreamt up the above fairy tale to justify for herself why she, Queen of the Forum, was (temp-)banned as belonging to the latter group? Many come here at the suggestion of friends, merchants, and acquaintances. They come because they have been frustrated by problems or difficulties they cannot seem to resolve in any "Normal" way. So no, I strongly disagree, the SL Forums are not an anchronistic stank-pit filled with do-badders and troublemakers. Rather I insist it can and MUST be the one final harbor of last resort for those LL is just about to lose .. .. forever! At least we agree on something. ETA: Two guesses who this quote is from: "The people who abused the old GD are to blame for no new GD. I would bet those people won't be posting much anymore..."
  17. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: At a time when you're losing more than 10,000 new signups per week, .. Oops, my number was in error. It's 10,000 per day! http://taterunino.net/statcharts/weeklysignups400.jpgWut? That chart shows new signups over the last week. How does that translate to "losing more than 10,000 new signups per week"? http://taterunino.net/statcharts/signupsperday400.jpg
  18. Pussycat Catnap wrote: If you receive a message from the mods, you can reply to it. I have six messages that I've sent to mods re warnings I've received sitting in my outbox, going back to 2011. Five were read. One remained unread almost a year after it was sent (and remains unread; I think that particular mod is no longer with us). Zero got a response. Fat lot of good it did me, huh. ETA: When you get that ban notice, I don't think you get to reply at all. You get something like this:
  19. LlazarusLlong wrote: ...forumites' inability to construct their own sentences, albeit brief ones, without their including at least one egregious grammatical, spelling, or orthographic error. Ouch! Gonna take me a long time to live down that silent p, isn't it?
  20. The mind is faster than the fingers can type.
  21. Darrius Gothly wrote: They have to be TOLD why and what they did that was wrong. It certainly helps. Of twelve warnings that I still have notifications of in my inbox: three quote the "offending" text and specify which of the Community Standards they are alleged to be in violation of; seven quote the "offending" text but don't specify which of the Community Standards they are alleged to be in violation of; one specifies which of the Community Standards it is alleged to be in violation of but doesn't quote the "offending" text; one specifies which of the Community Standards it is alleged to be in violation of but doesn't quote the "offending" text and doesn't even specify which thread it was removed from. People are NOT mind readers. Yes. Despite my own amazing psychic ability, I'm unable to do remote readings. I ain't Miss Cleo. Edit: Spelling.
  22. Tip: If you don't know the offender's name, choose "Governor Linden" as a placeholder and explain in the report details. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065#Section_.2
  23. Ooops. I shall wait patiently for my warning, then. :smileyvery-happy:
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