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Mavromichali Szondi

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Everything posted by Mavromichali Szondi

  1. Perhaps unrelated but I recently noticed that using the arrow keys to turn my helicopters no longer works properly. The vehicles lag very badly in turning in some sims. I can only imagine that this is due to some similar update that has altered the LSL with which that part of the script is coded. Whether you think I should have a "customer list" or an "update path", or not, the fact remains that the more obstacles and issues that pop up out of nowhere, the less likely I am to continue creating. There are a number of shortcuts and tricks that are used when building and scripting in LSL, and I am under the impression that if something is used by the vast majority of people, then it stops being a shortcut and becomes a feature that needs to be protected (like mega prims). For those who are talking about institutional memory, please remember that LL barely has one: they've let everyone who used to work there go, so no-one is around to remember what happened before. Certainly my option this time is just to take my helicopters off sale and not bother building any new stuff. I imagine a good number of people will follow suit. Welcome to a leaner marketplace, with less choice in 5 colours from large mesh developers only.
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