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Gianna Arida

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Posts posted by Gianna Arida

  1. OK, I have some questions about where rl teens are and are not allowed to go in sl.

    Are rl teens in sl allowed to be on mature land?

    Are rl teens allowed to use child avatars?

    Are rl teens allowed to participate in mature or adult groups?

    I am asking because I have seen people who claim to be rl teens (and certainly seem to be rl teens) doing all of these things in sl. I am also asking because on a few mature lands I frequent, sim owners claim that Linden Labs allowed teens on the main grid because they wanted them to be able to access all the fun stuff on mature lands. Can someone give me some more (hopefully valid) information?

    What should I do if I see rl teens on mature land that have adult groups (such as gor, bdsm) in their profiles?


  2. My home and yard are set up so that others can visit, hang out, and generally enjoy themselves. I love having people randomly pop up at my house, and they do so fairly often, considering that it is on an island. One of my favorite experiences was having a group of noobs show up out of the blue in my yard. They liked my garden and wanted to take pictures in it for a school project about sl. I was so amused I took pictures of them and have it in my picks. To me, this kind of wacky randomness is one of the things that makes sl fun.

    I recently changed my house and grounds to fit a more victorian gothic look. The neighbors have been stopping by to admire the work I have done. The irony of being in a virtual world, where a person can go anywhere and do anything, and having the neighbors stop by for a visit has not escaped me.

    To the OP, I don't have banlines or security orbs because everyone is welcome at my home. Should you run across my land, feel free to step inside out of the sun. There are lots of squishy chairs to rest weary bones on. Have a glass of wine, wander the house freely, and know that if I happen to log in while you are there, I will be charmed and delighted to have a visitor.

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