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Sandis Jenkins

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Everything posted by Sandis Jenkins

  1. I am personally a mesh addict. Less i see prim monster buildings around the happier I am
  2. I honestly do not understand why people became so paranoid and started attacking. You explained your idea pretty well. At least I got the idea. I do not see anything wrong with you wanting to have people only with voice or that they should be 18+. I saw people saying that it could be a red flag to something "adult". If she would ask you to moan in the microphone, you can always turn it off and tp away. Same with questions you do not want to answer, she did explain that you can tell to skip them. You could always just make a new alt and use it for the interview and nobody will ever know who you really are
  3. Pretty sure it is because it will be filmed for a video.
  4. Ive seen these clusters at several places on mainland. There is one new cluster of fairies on a sim next to mine on abandoned land that popped up couple of days ago. Also ive seen reapearing clusters on other sims close to mine. I really hope they wont find my sim as well
  5. Hello and happy new year! Who are the best creators/stores that sell full perm animations for creators? Animations are meant for furniture and such. I am looking for high quality animations, basically the best available on SL atm. Thank you!
  6. The only thing that I am somewhat disliking is that, even though residents can still create their own rental/vendor systems and the competition is still allowed, by integrating Caspers systems into SL, it will more or less squish all the competition that exists or could exist in the future. Just look at the marketplace. It is advertised everywhere so why would anyone use anything ells. Same will happen with Casper tech systems. Marketplace is already monopolized. Casper tech systems could most likely be next. Even Linden homes have taken a big chunk of residential rentals. Maybe lets make it so mesh bodies can only be worn by premium users
  7. Oh right, somehow I totally missed the part that owning more land costs less. Was comparing the base price for only owning that size plot to the rent. Makes more sense now
  8. Was driving around the mainland roads and started to look at the rent boxes around and noticed that all the rentboxes(at least the ones I saw) was offering rentals for lower cost than the actually maintenance you have to pay to LL for the land plots. What gives? Is this the same thing as with private sims where big land owners get discounted prices for the land from LL?
  9. Somehow it seems to have fixed itself. I already noticed this last night but did not bother to look more into it, just today while browsing the animation stores my posture was real weird. But idk what happened, he is standing all fine
  10. Guys its nothing to do with animations. Even ond default SL animations im still arching backwards. So thats why Im asking if thats just how the mesh Legacy body is?
  11. I did try turning all animations off too and im still kind of arching backwards for some reason
  12. Sandis Jenkins


    Was going around trying to find some new animations and noticed something weird. My avatar was leaning back. At some stores the lean was even more extreme. Any ideas why is this? Is this just how Legacy bodies are made or?
  13. I agree! I normally was using the events list in firestorm viewer, but for some reason I crash every time i use it now. At least in the viewer you can see previous events too.
  14. But are you renting or you have bought the land? If you are renting, does she as well and are you both in the same rental group?
  15. Are you able to see who ells is in the group? Maybe you can ask around others from the group about the current situation.
  16. My pet peeve - If you are sending out notices about events, please include the LM. Making me copy the slurl is not the way to go
  17. I personally chose the P+ because I needed the extra land and I do upload a lot of textures, so it just seemed most fit for me. But If that is something you do not do, then I can understand why you see regular P better fitting.
  18. I hope this trend will fallow males as well. My avi fallows my RL height, which is 190 / 6.2-6.3, yet many avis are way taller than me and Ive been asked on why did I choose to have my avi so small
  19. Thanks to lovely Aquila Kytori, my issue got resolved. Operantly my UVs were bad, and fixing the UV maps helped to resolve this issue! Thank you once more Aquila!
  20. Hello! I am having an issue. Was baking some textures in Blender, but for some reason blender is shadowing every possible edge on the mesh. Even with plenty of light shinning at the surfaces. Attached picture is from the bake texture uploaded to SL. Any ideas what is happening?
  21. Not sure if I have seen your comments before about physics or not, but if I did i probably didn't understand enough to get it But either way I know now I ended up using planes as I was told it is better for buildings and also since it helps with the "floating above ground" issue. Model with physics ended up being 45Li, which for me feels quite good, especially for first time build
  22. Update: So thanks to someone really nice who saw my post and found me in the beta grid I learned a lot and managed to fix my mesh. The solution ended up being much better then I though I will end up having to do. Instead of uploading each part of the mesh separately with their corresponding physics file(example wall.dae wall_PHYS.dae, floor.dae floor_PHYS.dae) I learned that I can upload the mesh as a single file while not merging all the pieces together. The trick was that in Blender each mesh piece needed a physics model that is named the same way as the piece but ends with _PHYS. This way you can have everything in the same dae file. Just when you export you only export the mesh pieces in "name".dae and then ONLY the physics model pieces in "name"_PHYS.dae. Honestly from all the tutorials and posts I saw I never saw anybody mentioning that it is possible to be done in Blender. I assumed that I need to export each piece separately and each physics piece separately(adding _PHYS in the end) which just seemed very tedious. But all in all my mesh is working and all good. Now just to optimize it
  23. Ugh. That was what I feared haha. I don't mind uploading it in parts per say, its just that im worried about stiching it all together in SL such that all parts are positioned in their place perfectly!
  24. Hello all. And yet as when I thought I can finally upload my first ever mesh building, i am stuck now with creating physics. So I have a residential building made in Blender. It has been split in parts to be able to bake textures. Not a super big or complex building. Only around 2.600 triangles. I uploaded it to beta SL for testing textures, several times. Every time I just used the auto generated High physics settings, which works pretty well, besides one door that is impossible to walk trough. Once I finalized my built and was finally happy with my textures I started working on the physics. Now I did watch several of the few videos I could find on Youtube about SL physics, and I did read several posts here on the forum, especially when my problem started to occur. Basically on my first try, my mesh was still split in pieces and when I tried to upload the cube type of physics building, it was not stretching over the whole building. Which from what I can understand was because each piece of mesh needs its own physics model. Okey fine. Then just for testing purposes I did the Ctrl J in Blender on my whole mesh, and tried to upload it this way. But now whenever I try to apply the physics model, it does not appear in the physics color window in SL uploaded. Even after trying to upload, there is no Prim choice under physics and well it basically did not work. So I started trying everything I could think of, and from what I read. I applied all transforms, I tried both merged mesh into one object and as seperated objects, i tried creating new physics models, but for some reason the physics model does not want to apply over the mesh. The auto generator still works, just not the physics model. I even tried to create just a one big cube that is the EXACT size of the whole building(as I read it needs to be the same size) but still, nothing. In the SL uploaded I see the mesh but there are no physics colors over it. So right now Im stuck and not sure what I should do. I guess I could try uploading every single piece of the mesh and then stich it together, but I really do not want to do that. Any help would be appreciated!
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