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  1. Some photos of my place! I had this very houseboat since August 21st, it was my first place too that i tried for, got it and stayed, until a few days ago. The place i made was always open to the public, i just never advertised(Except for one time!), as it was more of a "If you find it, enjoy it, but i'm going to keep it secret!" hence why i'm only now sharing it. On to newer things though 😄
  2. I struggle to see not only the "self-entitlement" to a reply, but also how the OP had been so dismissive. Why does thanking someone, giving her regards and politely rejecting her suggestion, make her self-entitled or dismissive to the point where the remarks made by others just come off as belittling? Literally, why and how? Why does OP have to agree anyway? She doesn't have to.
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