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Adaira Wycliffe

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  1. To everyone who responded, thank you so much! It's all tremendously helpful. I will be her "Englisher", so we will get this resolved, thanks to you all!
  2. a very good freind, club owner, not a native english speaker now knows of a new avi that took her first and last name as a first name, second being Resident, of course. Then lifted my freinds profile, claiming to be the owner of my friends club. Since my freind doesn't have mastery of English, she is getting no answers.. Has anyone had this problem and what does she do .. .that avi is only a few days old, and we have no idea what she will do to damage my friends reputation Any resources to get this done. Is this a TOS violation? Or French Linden help? Thanks to all who have an idea what to do.
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