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Jacob Neutron

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Posts posted by Jacob Neutron

  1. Ok, Echo, I did my homework. I checked other ims i have gotten via email, from people east and west. Funny, sometimes the time difference between the timestamp in the IM and the email timestamp is 9 hours (as it should be since it is the time difference between my RL time zone and California) and sometimes it is not that.

    So, I don't think it is the receiver server who adds that timestamp in the IM, but the sender server. I guess it depends on "HOW" you are connecting to the grid.

  2. Thanks Echo, you confirmed my guess (well at least partially). Any message sent to me (IM sent via email when I am offline), might go to a server in the UK, which is not in daylight saving time, and then that server puts the stamp, which in this case would be two hours behind for me. Now, I have only one doubt left. The person who sent the message lives in London and therefore the two hour behind could be explained as above. But what if a person lives in NYC? Would it still have the London, two hours behind timestamp, or would it have the a timestamp reflecting NYC time? In other words, the timestamp depends on the receiver or the sender ?


    Sorry about all these questions, but I am intrigued by the technical "secrets" behind :)

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