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Zarabeth Zenith

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Everything posted by Zarabeth Zenith

  1. Thank you Cayenne! I've been practicing back and forth between Lara 5.3 and Senra Jamie.😀
  2. Thanks so much, Persephone . Your help is greatly appreciated.
  3. Thank you for your prompt response, Ceka! The information you have kindly provided has been exceptionally valuable and greatly appreciated.
  4. I've returned to SL after an extended hiatus and have been using the Maitreya body exclusively during my two years back in the virtual world. In the past, I've only saved and switched between different Evo-X heads, but now I'm curious if it's possible to save and switch between various bodies effortlessly. I understood a previous poster to say that switching back and forth between bodies is a nightmare. I have already saved clothing sets that I may wear again, but I'm not sure if the same approach can be applied to bodies....for example, saving a clothing set wearing Lara 5.3 and then switching to an outfit wearing Lara X (when she is available) or any other body. While this may seem like a simple question to some, I would appreciate guidance and insights from the experienced members of the community. Thank you for your time and expertise. I look forward to learning from your valuable input.
  5. Hi, I am unable to log in. Please help.
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