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Nicole Portola

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Everything posted by Nicole Portola

  1. they just came out and its still doing it..
  2. Every time I log in today I get a moment of logged in then lose connection. Anyone else?
  3. Yep. I am back in. Not dismissing we may have issues again.
  4. I got in in phoenix mode (edit: after the previous exchange).. but brain hurts. I logged out ( I know.. horror) and then got back in first try with firestorm mode.
  5. Hey, was worth a try. No stress, and the servers need to be gotten working anyway. Nothing to be sorry about.
  6. I am checking them now and then. Eating lunch. Facebook. Talking to fiancé. Taking dogs out. a..brand new day?
  7. 10-4 good buddy. About the hours they shut down on Wednesdays too..
  8. I don't might have been a bit just before my time. But then again..might be memory. 2006 was a while ago.
  9. And now in the wild world of the web, we see an op who is doing the instinctive behavior known as 'whining'. This is a new development in the evolution of this generation, and an unwelcome one. Their forefathers have en masse bought out all of the neck supports from injuries from shaking their heads. If you know a loved one suffering from insufferable neckitis , please, assure them. Do not escalate. Their gums are razor sharp. Seriously.. even if it lasts a bit its 2 days. And they could legally shut down all money transferring out at any point anyway. Compared to the old maintenance days and the issues with flexiprims, the mirror disaster..this is nothing.
  10. Watch it be something they fixed , blocking the ddos attack, then rolling restart undid it
  11. Got in this morning long enough to talk..now can't again.
  12. Trying one last time. Then just heading off for the night if not. My days off used to happen o line up to those maintenance days..and I worked nights so basically only had 1 day of the week I could play for more than 3 hours. Missing one night wont hurt me.
  13. Stay calm everyone. These are simple compared to the old days.. every wednesday (right as I got off work for my 2 days off even!) . When they added flexiprims and sculpty the servers had hiccups trying to adjust.
  14. MissTwinkleToes - Once the grids back up, look for 'builders brewery' or 'ivory tower of prims'. The people there are good to help people new to sl and get them started, be it building or what have you. Luc- it varies. Just got to be patient. Bad timing for me. Missing event, and a wedding.. managed to get on at the tail end of a storm in time.
  15. I have checked the twitter (as of a few minutes ago), tried different login locations, simply relogged to fix a nonteleporting issue. Restarted computer, and router/modem Watch for unscheduled maintenance. edit- and..called it : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Status-Grid/Unscheduled-Maintenance/ba-p/3032294#.V0DjUzGAa1w.twitter
  16. 10 minutes to log in just to post it feels. TPs died..didn't try search. I checked grid status- no problem listed- so relogged..or would have if I could log in. I wasn't even receiving teleport offers, and yes login is saying wrong username/password.
  17. don;t like it. The old system wasn't broken and did lead to some nice gems.
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