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Nikia Hazelnut

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Everything posted by Nikia Hazelnut

  1. We are in need of an individual(s) that can perform the following tasks: Building very detailed but lower prims used. Making sculpts and/or mesh for buildings.Mesh only wanted, if Prim Equivs are lower (nothing like a 500 prim equiv car wanted). Making high detailed original textures.Making said textures for sculpts/mesh/prims used. They MUST have the following qualities: Have the highest grade of professionalism.Perfect work ethics.Be able to understand the buyer's Needs and WantsHave excellent communication skills.Have an excellent customer service mind set. Have a reasonable Online to Offline schedule.Be able to keep what is being built under wraps At All Costs.Never sell/give away what is made to anyone but who you are creating for.Information: Should you fit the description of what is being asked, you will be working with very detailed oriented people with perfection in mind.You will be rewarded for your efforts, handsomely. You will receive an initial payment upfront for upload costs and any planning costs, but most of the discussed cost will be given after the job has been completed. We want to make sure that you have completed the vision at hand to the greatest extent. At the final phase of the project you will give the buyer full permission versions of all builds/textures/sculpt maps created for this project in order to receive payment. Should you need any scripting done with the project, it will be done for you. All scripts given to you will be No Copy and No Modify. We will implement the copy / modify scripts our selves in the last phase of the project. You will be building in an undisclosed location, in absolute privacy besides visits from the buyer and project manager. You are not permitted to teleport anyone in to said location under absolutely any means.Should you break any of your commitments to privacy, you will automatically revoke any and all obligation for the buyer to pay anything further, regardless of what price was discussed upon.Contacts: Nikia Hazelnut - Main Contact and Project ManagerSarahAnn Melody - BuyerAlexia Stonesoul - Scripter of Project
  2. Haha! Let's see... Takes me about an hour or two per texture, times that by either the 24/48/72 ban incriments, and if i do not sleep.... wow, that is a lot of textures... Oh, hey Peggy! Well don't you look fantastic today? Here are my 83 textures for uploading, I had some extras lying around. Thanks, doll! You're the best! *wink*
  3. LOL True, Alicia. Very true. All right, Peggy. I'll take you up on that offer. Just don't be offended if it's weeks from now... on a dark and stormy night... and you hear footsteps walking down the hallway... you turn around and look at the door. The knob slowly turns and you stare, wondering what is going to come through... then all of a sudden you hear a loud Instant Message ding from Second Life and it's me asking for uploads.
  4. Ah yes, Moiselle. I would love to perhaps rebuild something should I find the funds to do so. As for "fixing up my real avatar" I have been doing that for around 2 years now and have lost over 100lbs. I do appreciate the offer. I am very glad I took some one up on that offer back when I did.
  5. Yes, Peggy, that is what is stated for most cases. I was hanging out with a friend about 2 years ago, she was online for about 15 minutes in which we were at a Welcome Area and she had her microphone turned on and people were complaining that they could hear her nose whistling, she turned her microphone off as soon as she was informed that it was turned on. The next day she spoke to me in Skype to inform me that she could not log in. A day or so later, she speaks with me again on Skype and informs me that she had been banned for "repeat offenses" which were never told which "offenses" to her. To this day, she still does not know why she was banned. Months went by and me and her were at another Welcome Area with her new avatar, and a mutual friend had teleported a female in who was basically telling my friend that this female and her friends (about 6 all together) had reported my friend for having self satisfaction(..trying to keep it pg..) on voice chat at said Welcome Area. The saying that every Abuse Report is investigated is just fancy words that only hold meaning if they are inforced, which sadly they are not always. Any who... Peggy, yes, a vacation does sound nice, but the funds are just not there. I could spend all of my time just making textures for when I do get back, however, Linden Labs has that $10L policy per upload.
  6. Cute. But.. no, they are infact false. Should it be true, I would have lived up to it. My mischevous ranges from playing "take the rest of the primcount on the SIM" along with going to roleplay sims and driving around in a toddler sized jeep and act innocent when a police officer pulls me over and tells me I should be driving on the road.
  7. Many many moons ago I joined the Second Life Reality Show (if anyone has been in SL, yes... it's a reality show...LOL). Over the past many a year I have grown custom to sleepless nights, lack of food and water, imprinting keys from the keyboard onto my head, and let's not forget the ever so popular "Hermit" status. There is a thing with the Abuse Report system, that if anyone receives multiple reports against them, they go away for a while, regardless of what the report was about - be it true or not (Sorry to say, but I didn't think this was true either until I saw it happen a few hundred times.). I wont say who or what or why, but I have an inkling that roughly 5-9 people have Abuse Reported me in the last 3 days. These allegations are false, however, there is a multiple amount of them. Now then, the time has come for me to obtain ideas on what to do outside of Second Life whilst my "away time" is being served. I have spent most of my free time building, scripting, texturing... so, I have currently no hobbies in the Real World. Should you have some extra time on your hands, I would enjoy a list of activities to do while I am waiting to log back in. Be it sad, funny, angry, you name it. Sarcasm is welcomed. Humor is loved. Now if you will, please begin.
  8. Hey, I really need help. I muted some one by mistake and logged out without knowing. I logged back in and found my mistake so I just cleared out my entire mute/block list in full. Now when ever I log in 4 of the people are STILL there. One of them I need to NOT be there at all. I have done everything everone has told me to do including uninstalling all viewers and removing all files associated with Secondlife and the viewers I used from my computer and restarting it before installing one single client to see it the issue was resolved. It is still happening. Every time I log back in, my mute/block list reverts and I have to unmute these people each and every time I log in. I can not receive offlines from them either. I desperately need help.
  9. I blocked a dear friend by mistake and I logged out without knowing they were blocked. When I logged back in I found my mistake and unblocked the person. It has been 2 days since that happened, yet every time I log in, the person is automatically blocked and I can not receive offlines from them. I have tried everything under the sun to get this fixed. I have even uninstall all of my viewers and whiped my computer clean of anything SecondLife related and it is still happening. Ok guys, I have tried sending this person an IM to force it to unblock. It works fine but when I log out and back in, they're muted again. I have already tried unfriending them and refriending them. Nothing is working *bangs head on desk*
  10. I cant log in either. I called LL and the guy told me THEIR SYSTEMS were down too for maitenance..... When I told the guy the problem, he told me to check the knowledge base, the wiki, the quick start guide, the bug tracker, ect ect GRRR ect... I did lose my temper and call him a curse word, so I might be banned from that for a little while..... I'm glad to see it's not just me though. I was really upset thinking I was permabanned with no email as to why because I couldnt log into SL and I couldnt log into the website.
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