Winter Ventura wrote:
open image in sl
press "Save As" button
save image to your HD
open profile for editing
select image from your HD
save and enjoy.
Did you know that you can save snapshots directly to your HD and avoid the 10L$ upload fee? take hundreds of pictures, choose the best ones, use image editing software to crop, adust, or enhance your images, and only upload the images you really WANT to upload to SL.
Now profiles don't require a user to have L$, in order to add photos or screenshots to their profile. This is actually a pretty massive improvement if you ask me.
Sayyy what??? Made me just push down on that big 'WTF' button. So if I want to use one of the 'backup' profile pics I have in my inventory, I have to upload it to my hard drive first? Winter baby, I've always loved you, I know its just cus of the name
and though I agree with your " download all your pics to your hard drive first" thingy, ( been doing it for years), but NOT being able to access your inventory pics from inside the game, even if only for this purpose, BLOWS. I'm sure this is only a temporary thing while they tweak the system, well...FRIGGIN HOPE SO. Otherwise its just something else to annoy this old timer. Hands you a Werthers.