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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. What I am seeing with continued testing is that there is some setting in newer FS PBR viewers that is making a mess of the performance in them. A clean install, even though it is said to be unnecessary, seems to fix it as long as a backup is not restored. Restoring the backup restores the bad setting too.
  2. It doesn't if the day it closes was the day I planned to cash out a few hundred or thousand L$ or yesterday was the day I paid tier or bought a few hundred or thousand L$.
  3. For mine I finally broke down and purchased a shape that included a style card from a Shape creator (Raire) It took a little time and cost me a few L$ but I was quite happy with the results and at least knew ahead of time what look I was working towards.
  4. I've seen it though multiple times when some will argue one side of a debate in one thread and then a week later argue a different side in a similar topic on another thread because the OP changed.
  5. Probably has multiple times but the mod is eating pizza?
  6. Too much risk some may interpret the eye rolling as one's looking for their brain. You excepted of course!
  7. Males allowed in the mean girl clique? What is this world coming to!?
  8. Who said that? Those were Scylla's words if I remember right. I don't remember anyone accusing others of being a part of a mean girl clique.
  9. Many including myself don't have a set opinion about every topic out there. Some however seem to feel they need to contribute to every thread brought up instead of scrolling past.
  10. Threads do evolve, it a somewhat universal law. The pizza thing though is way out there.
  11. Noone is blaming the person who posted and the ones agreeing only see it as natural to agree and like but it doesn't deny that a forum mindset is started.
  12. Are you the pot calling me the kettle black perchance? 😄
  13. Sounds like you're in denial 😉 I've mentioned it before that if I was smart, I would pay you to present a topic that I wished to have supported in the forums because you have a way of writing/speaking that is very persuasive and leads people to take on an opinion they didn't have before.
  14. I'm not surprised. Ones who lead the clique often don't see it as they are just speaking what they believe to be their own mind, regardless of whether anyone holds the same view. When their opinion carries a lot of weight, they can sway many that then turns into a clique.
  15. Games or for older forums, it turns into a culture. Learned a lot about that back when I was on SLU. Who to support to be with the in crowd, who to cancel. I think cancel culture got its start in forums.
  16. I think a particular viewer could use a default ground texture in place of the one called for but that might not be a great alternative in some respects.
  17. The reality is that it does. That is why there are accusations of group think, cliques, etc. The ones paying attention to the reactions of other posters often seem to consider the reaction of their friends and then respond in kind to support them.
  18. Same as me, I rarely say anything but when I see hypocrisy from those posters and attempts to justify their infantilism, I think it is worthwhile to point it out in the hopes they may choose to grow up some day. I don't think I had ever been trolled on VS but then I didn't visit it enough to know. I had sort of wished I was important enough to rate mention there though! Ahh well, when half of one's reputation is because the laughing response left by forum stalkers, it does get a little old. I see it as attempts to control forum opinions about different topics without having the ability to counter certain views with a rational argument. We're supposed to be against inworld stalking and harassment, why shouldn't it apply in the forums too?
  19. Yes, that's speaks volumes about how low I consider the maturity of my forum stalker
  20. Yeah the forums are full of people. Someday maybe they will be all Ai's who have no emotions.
  21. I've watched the reactions you get on your posts, they are very, very rarely a jeering response. You don't have a regular long term poster who stalks you through the forums jeering at a significant portion of your posts so it is easy for you to say "who cares".
  22. Because some refuse to take the hint that a laughing/jeering emoji is a hateful response probably.
  23. You disagree with the Lindens that it is a valid concern? It is the cause of much drama on the forums.
  24. That contradicts your previous post where you were of the opinion that People who are freaking out about a response to their post are in effect saying "ouch".
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