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Sharion Scarmon

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  1. thank you! But if I try to upload it back into SL does it retain the higher quality? or it is downgraded
  2. I am saving to inventory, is this the reason why
  3. Recently all the snapshots I take have a max of 512px as show on the attached pic, can someome explain why this happens or how to increase its resolution 😞
  4. Oh! Tengo una idea, es un personaje de fantasia de H.P. lovecraft, se llama Yihdra, creo que puedes encontrar referencias si es que buscas en google Idendity V yihdra Dream witch
  5. oiii! Skill gaming is a fraud, skill is like 5% of the chance to win and the rest is decided by the game before it even starts. But I think since this industry moves a lot of money SL wants to keep it
  6. One of my favorites places to go and usually is always active is a Drum elven circle in a sim called Avilion, you can often come here to enjoy people playing their musical instruments, talk about recent events that occur within their land or just join in by playing an instrument if you wish to. Pretty chill if you want a medieval fantasy RP enviroment to just enjoy around a bonfire 😊 wish I knew other places that are as friendly and active, if you know please let me know!! 😮
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